Obito Nagano, known before as Yashiro Itori and Enoch, is the main protagonist of the Just A Subject continuity, and is a participant of the Azazel Cup during the events of D∞D: Яe-Verse, his partner being Nico. Obito joined to test his newfound strength. After the events of his world, Obito is a Seraph and the successor of Metatron. He has also fused with his original self Yashiro Itori, inheirting his Sacred Gear Lucifer's Crown.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Obito Nagano/D∞D: Яe-Verse
| - Obito Nagano, known before as Yashiro Itori and Enoch, is the main protagonist of the Just A Subject continuity, and is a participant of the Azazel Cup during the events of D∞D: Яe-Verse, his partner being Nico. Obito joined to test his newfound strength. After the events of his world, Obito is a Seraph and the successor of Metatron. He has also fused with his original self Yashiro Itori, inheirting his Sacred Gear Lucifer's Crown.
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| - Metatron
- Sandalphon
- Kai Itori
- Kaneko Itori
- Makoto Itori
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Hair Color
| - Black
- White with Black roots
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| - Enoch
- Humanity's Monster
- Second Voice of God
Yashiro Takeover
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| - Heaven
- Underworld
- Rias Gremory's Peerage
| - Balmung
- Blade Blacksmith
- Mechanical Angel
- Crocea Mors
- Lucifer's Crown
- Galatine
Eye Color
| - Red
- Right Blue Left Green
| - Former Human
- Reincarnated Devil/Angel Hybrid
| - Obito Nagano, known before as Yashiro Itori and Enoch, is the main protagonist of the Just A Subject continuity, and is a participant of the Azazel Cup during the events of D∞D: Яe-Verse, his partner being Nico. Obito joined to test his newfound strength. After the events of his world, Obito is a Seraph and the successor of Metatron. He has also fused with his original self Yashiro Itori, inheirting his Sacred Gear Lucifer's Crown.