| - Returning home the two parent's found it best for Ciara to stay with the young Glid Dallows, while Jace continued assisting the Rebellion in the fight against the Empire. His father would make occassional trips back to his wife and child but would be gone for vast portions of time. Growing up without a steady father figure around to help keep him in line took it's toll on Glid. For the majorty of his teenage life he found himself mucking around the streets with his older cousin Jaq as the two discovered the wonders of crime. Along with that, the two became extremely familiar with a cold cell in the Corellian Juvenile Detention Center. Ironically, Glid still views these years positively due to the 'street smarts; he believed to have gained from them. It wasn't until sometime after he turned seventeen that he and Jaq jumped ship and would momentairly drop their life of crime. The two teenagers decided it was time to get serious and do something with their lives. Falsifying their enlistment credenitials they found themselves cadets in the Corellian Defense Force. They would soon discover the true horrors of war when they found their entire company ambushed outside the walls of the mountain city, Bela Vistal. The mercenaries that had attacked them would lead several more guerrilla attacks through the coming years. Only a handful of troops had managed to survive the ambush, among them were Glid and the now severly wounded Jaq. While Jaq lay in critical condition, Glid was assigned to an outpost near the city of Doaba Guerful, located within the Nomad Mountains. Over the course of the next two years he became acquainted with the fellow troopers there, also finding his acquired taste for Corellian Ale in the mountain city, making it all the more heartbreaking when the place was met by a full frontal attack by the same band of mercenaries. Glid put his training to good use that day, knowing that the lives of the thousands living in Doaba Guerful would be counting on his company's success. Despite this their adversaries managed to push through their defenses and began to pour right into the peaceful city of Doaba Guerful. During the attack, Glid risked his life to save a fellow trooper by the name of Jeran Kenorr, he would take multiple blaster wounds to the arm in the process (which would later require amputation) but held strong until reinforcements could arrive nearly a hour later. It was for this feat that he would be awarded with his very own Corellian Bloodstripes. By the time the battle came to it's conclusion, a large portion of the city lay in ruin and Glid found himself a different man. The years spent defending Corellia taught him quite a few things, and he had made many good friends, so it was with a heavy heart that he finally handed in his resigination letter. His cousin Jaq was soon to follow, while he would later go on to join the NRSFC, Glid's path would soon take him to the rebellion. The next portion of Glid's life began shortly before the Second Battle of Abridon. He had been trying to get in contact with the Rebellion for several months after resigning from the C.D.F. Tensions had been rising on Abridon, and it was rumored the Imperials were out for blood after their defeat there not long before. Glid arrived on the planet days before the Imperial attack, reuniting with his father in the process. Sadly, their reunion didn't last long. They were stationed near the river seperating the Abridon Government from the rest of the city but it didn't take long for the invading forces to reach them. Having little time to prepare the river defense the Empire cut straight through them leaving no survivors. Knocked unconcious by an orbital blast early on, Glid awoke to find his father by the riverside shot dead with multiple blaster wounds to the chest. Inheriting his father's Z-95 Headhunter among other things, he vowed to see the end of the Imperial forces ruling Abridon. Joining the nationalists in the fight against the Empire he spent the next several months helping where he could. Finally the Rebellion returned to the planet, and Glid aided them in the freeing of Abridon. It was a long day full of death that allowed Abridon to finally join the Alliance. Shortly thereafter the rebellion succeeded in the Battle of Endor and the Rebels were quick to form their own Republic. One thing was clear though, there was still much work to be done. While the destruction of the Death Star struck a heavy blow against the Empire, they still held control of large portions of the galaxy. Smuggling supplies across Imperial space was a very profitable business at this time, something Glid took full advantage of. Putting his father's Z-95 Headhunter to good use, he smuggled New Republic supplies across Imperial Space for the next few years of his life. However, by 7 ABY the call for smuggling was beginning to die down. While more then willing to continue his 'work' he decided a break was needed, though he swore to aid the NR again when the need arose. Setting off with his ship he found many adventures. Though, at first it was just finding things to do, he'd participate in swoop races, drink large amount of Correllian Ale, and play in numerous pazaak tournaments. They all held the common trait of leaving him worse off then he was before. While searching for work on Tatooine around 12 ABY he came across a friend in, Milst Hisan. They hit it off immediately and joined up on a number of contracts, several interesting outings later and they had made a fair bit of money. Saying their good byes for now, Glid decided to head back to Corellia and aid his widowed mother. He came to find his childhood home in shambles, his grandfather (a long time supporter, and once weapon technician of the Empire) had only now found out about his father's dealings with the Rebels. Furious that his son had fought for such an 'unworthy' cause he'd came upon their house and using experimental armor from his time with the Empire burned it to the ground. His mother never managed to get out and met a similar fate. Enraged by this Glid sought revenge not against his grandfather but the Empire as a whole, believing their brainwashing ideals were the cause of his grandfather's attack. He pondered how best to retaliate against them for over a month, intending for it to be one defiant strike all on his own. During this time he recieved word from Milst who had joined the military, and while hesitant at first he realized that would be the best way to achieve his goal. Setting off immediately his uncertain footsteps met the Telos recruitment center within the day. While passing the physical and mental tests with ease it took some luck to get past the rough patch in his record, but he was finally enlisted. Making such friends as Excapus Leonida, Kai'te Hisan, and Drado Skipter, it didn't take Glid long to warm up to his new surroundings. Managing to get in his superior's good favor early on, (thanks mainly to a good word put in by Milst) Glid found himself apart of the Rangers. His interaction involving Scarlett Dragon was brief and it wasn't until a mission to Kashyyk he recieved his first real taste of combat. Tasked with aiding a Wookiee colony plagued with mercenary attacks, while hard to communicatie with them the unit managed to fight back the invaders and restore peace among the colony. When they weren't on such interesting outings they were out on the field where their drill instructor was sure to give them hell. Nicknamed Wampa by his comrade, any day on the fields was a gruelling one. Eventually he'd try his hand as the drill instructor and made sure to push the cadets as hard if not harder then that of his peer. Unfortunately not all missions went as smoothly as the one on Kashyyk. Two consecutive surprise attacks on Telos as well as the resource consuming battles on Druckenwell left the New Republic in a questionable light. He stuck true to the cause but feared he was becoming something similar to his grandfather whose unprecendented beliefs in the Empire's ideals lead to the death of his mother. That all changed with some rearrangement in the ranks where he'd ultimately find himself promoted to Major and current CO of the Ranger's. Now high enough to make his voice heard he'd make more then sure that his mind never fell upon the same twisted path as his grandfather. With only his self doubts to hold him back he looks to breed a new generation of Rangers just as talented as the last.