- Bars gibt es in allen Teilen der Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie, jedoch sind sie nur in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV, dessen Episoden und Grand Theft Auto V Teil des Freizeitangebots.
- On syrnia are 8 types of bars. Bars are used on smithing to craft tools, weapons or equipments pieces.
- Bars was likely a county within Alfold, in the Ütközet Province of Reach.
- Bars are a type of weapon store in Halo: CE. These usually appear by modding.they can contain any weapons the designers choose and are not very usefull if you already have good enough weapons.
- Billy Wilder´s, Viktoria-Bar, Green Door, Rheingold
- Überall auf Rubi-Ka sind zahlreiche Bars, Discos und Clubs vorhanden, in denen sich die Bewohner des Wüstenplaneten entspannen, vergnügen und feiern können.
- Bars sind beliebte Schauplätze in Lost, da sich die Charaktere dort entweder mit ihren Problemen herumschlagen oder sie lösen.
- Everywhere on Rubi-Ka you can find a wide range of differend bars and disco where the inhabitants relax and enjoy the good music.
- See also Amakubo. TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us
- Bars are a decoration block, similar to the iron bars from the vanilla game, but made to better fit different faction buildings.
- Casinos typically have at least two kinds of bars: The bars that are actually on the casino floor, and branded bars that are in the casino but away from the gambling, often alongside the shops and restaurants. The casino floor bars typically are given names (Baccarat Bar, e.g.), even if they are merely alcoves. These are really just house bars and they are mostly nondescript. Some large house bars might have entertainment (e.g., Island Lounge at Mandalay Bay). see also Nightclubs
- A Bar is a metal item that has been refined from ore, but which has not yet been made into an item such as a Weapon or a piece of armour. Ores can be mined from mines found in various places around Gielinor. Then, the ore can be smelted into bars through theSmithing skill and can then be smithed into various items, mainly weapons and armour, through the Smithing skill. As the metal used in smithing require higher grade metals the more efficient and powerful the item will be.
- Bars are a popular setting in Lost, as the characters seek to either unwind or let go of their troubles.
* Pool table bar #1
* Where Sawyer explains his scam to Kilo, his underworld acquaintances. ("Confidence Man")
* London bar
* Where Charlie meets Lucy Heatherton. ("Homecoming")
* The scene was filmed in Murphy's Bar and Grill in Honolulu.
* The Last Call
* Bar in Sydney where Christian Shephard is dropped off by Ana Lucia ("Two for the Road") and where he meets Sawyer in (and begins the drunken binge that will end his life, which gives the bar's name a particular irony). ("Outlaws")
* The exterior scene in "Two for the Road" was filmed outside the restaurant Fisherman's Wharf, located in Kewalo Basin in Honolulu.
* Sydney airport bar