| - Episode Name Series Season Antagonist Setting Original Air-Date Story By Written By Teleplay By Directed By Order in Series Order in Season Previous Episode Next Episode Title Card Will, Dr. Smith and the Robot are at their radio telescope installation some distance from the camp when a cosmic storm strikes. The mechanism is affected by the storm and they discover that they are able to see into another dimension, and perhaps even into the future. When Dr. Smith looks, he sees Athena, whom they encountered earlier in outer space, and she sees him. When she appears, Smith flees, but later decides she might help him gain the ability to see into the future.
| - Episode Name Series Season Antagonist Setting Original Air-Date Story By Written By Teleplay By Directed By Order in Series Order in Season Previous Episode Next Episode Title Card Will, Dr. Smith and the Robot are at their radio telescope installation some distance from the camp when a cosmic storm strikes. The mechanism is affected by the storm and they discover that they are able to see into another dimension, and perhaps even into the future. When Dr. Smith looks, he sees Athena, whom they encountered earlier in outer space, and she sees him. When she appears, Smith flees, but later decides she might help him gain the ability to see into the future. While Smith is trying to coax information from Athena by offering her sips of deutronium fuel, her jilted boyfriend Urso appears and challenges Smith to a duel to win her. When Urso meets Will, he changes the boy completely green. When Smith looks through the telescope again to divine the outcome of his duel with Urso, he sees the Robinsons holding a funeral and concludes that he will be killed. Despite Smith’s fear of Urso, John insists that Smith meet with him and have the alien return Will to his normal state. Will, however, does not want Smith to die, and, resigned to his fate, asks Athena to intercede with Urso. She refuses, and Urso and Smith begin to fight. Only when it is apparent that Smith is Urso’s inferior does Athena intervene and end the combat. Before Urso and Athena return to their dimension, Urso returns Will to his former colour.