| - 1116 is the third studio album by THE Possible, and their first album released under Victor Entertainment. It was released on September 3, 2014, in regular and limited editions.
- Im Zentrum muss gespart werden und deshalb wollen Richard und Simone das Eishockeyteam wegrationalisieren. Als Vanessa davon Wind bekommt, macht sie ihren Eltern wütend klar, dass dies, mit ihr in der Geschäftsleitung, nie passieren wird. Annette ist in Sorge, dass durch Toms 'Saucen-Faux-Pas' das Gesundheitsamt den Imbiss schließt. Umso erleichterter ist sie, als sich herausstellt, dass Toms Übelkeit nicht durch die neue Pommessauce hervorgerufen worden ist. Ihre Krankenzeit müssen Tom und Annette zusammen verbringen und sind dabei füreinander da. Jessica trennt sich von Marian, da sie ihn durchschaut hat: Er sieht sie nur als Ersatz für Jenny. Doch auch als Marian dies eingesteht, sich bei Jessica entschuldigt und ihr seine wahren Gefühle gesteht, bleibt Jessica bei ihrer Entscheidung. A
- Barnabas meets with Roxanne at the gazebo. They declare their love for each other and he bites her, leaving her to die. At Collinwood, Samantha paces through the drawing room when Julia returns. Samantha asks her many questions regarding her encounter with Roxanne the night before, and feels that she is acting strangely because of how she mentioned the light hurt her eyes and how she has met someone. Julia realizes that she has been bitten by Barnabas, but conceals it from Samantha. Later that night, Barnabas sneaks into Collinwood and places a letter on the table in the foyer.
| - Im Zentrum muss gespart werden und deshalb wollen Richard und Simone das Eishockeyteam wegrationalisieren. Als Vanessa davon Wind bekommt, macht sie ihren Eltern wütend klar, dass dies, mit ihr in der Geschäftsleitung, nie passieren wird. Annette ist in Sorge, dass durch Toms 'Saucen-Faux-Pas' das Gesundheitsamt den Imbiss schließt. Umso erleichterter ist sie, als sich herausstellt, dass Toms Übelkeit nicht durch die neue Pommessauce hervorgerufen worden ist. Ihre Krankenzeit müssen Tom und Annette zusammen verbringen und sind dabei füreinander da. Jessica trennt sich von Marian, da sie ihn durchschaut hat: Er sieht sie nur als Ersatz für Jenny. Doch auch als Marian dies eingesteht, sich bei Jessica entschuldigt und ihr seine wahren Gefühle gesteht, bleibt Jessica bei ihrer Entscheidung. Aus lauter Verzweiflung greift Marian wieder zum Alkohol.
- 1116 is the third studio album by THE Possible, and their first album released under Victor Entertainment. It was released on September 3, 2014, in regular and limited editions.
- Barnabas meets with Roxanne at the gazebo. They declare their love for each other and he bites her, leaving her to die. At Collinwood, Samantha paces through the drawing room when Julia returns. Samantha asks her many questions regarding her encounter with Roxanne the night before, and feels that she is acting strangely because of how she mentioned the light hurt her eyes and how she has met someone. Julia realizes that she has been bitten by Barnabas, but conceals it from Samantha. Later that night, Barnabas sneaks into Collinwood and places a letter on the table in the foyer. The next morning, Gerard is in the drawing room with the small package of arsenic. Samantha walks in and asks if he wants any coffee. Gerard tells her he would love some, and secretly plans to use the arsenic to kill her. Meanwhile, Julia tells Ben they need to find Roxanne before it's too late. In the drawing room, Gerard is about to poison Samantha's coffee, but Julia shows up to tell them she is going to the Old House and leaves. Samantha thinks Julia is very nice and wonders how no one in the family has ever heard of her, but Gerard is still suspicious. Ben shows up and Samantha tells him that someone left a note for him on the table. He reads the note and runs out of the house, with Gerard looking after him menacingly. Ben goes to the Old House shows Julia the note. They both go out to search for Roxanne once again. Gerard and Samantha are still in the drawing room and Gerard notices that Samantha is very troubled. He tries to console her, but she tells him she is not in the mood for him. Gerard takes her hand and reads her palm, telling her she will have soon find love and happiness, but otherwise she is in a clouded part of her life. Samantha wonders if Gerard actually takes all of his readings seriously, to which he says he does, and realizes that someone in her life is giving her grief. Gerard assumes it's Gabriel, and Samantha reluctantly admits it. She is still frustrated that Gabriel is trying to get the dying Daniel to change his will, but Gerard assures her that soon she will be the Mistress of Collinwood. She thanks him for listening to her and leaves. Gerard laughs to himself once she is gone. Later, an upset Samantha is walking around the estate and finds Roxanne at the gazebo with blood dripping from her neck. Samantha calls for help, but no one hears her and she runs back to Collinwood. She finds Gerard and they quickly head to the gazebo, but when they arrive her body is missing. Samantha gets hysterical and Gerard takes her back to Collinwood. Meanwhile, Julia and Ben have taken Roxanne to Josette's room at the Old House. Julia tells Ben she is near death. Gerard takes Samantha to the drawing room and informs her that he is going to help the police search for her. Back at the Old House, Julia gives Ben a list of things she needs to help Roxanne, but admits she doesn't know if she will live. Later that night, Julia gives Roxanne a transfusion with her own blood, which helps Roxanne. Ben leaves to go get more supplies from Collinwood. A few hours later, Julia watches over Roxanne when she hears the front door slam from downstairs. She creeps down the stairs and finds Gerard in the house, who says he saw candles burning from the window and decided to investigate. Julia makes up a story that she was searching through family heirlooms all day. Gerard appears to believe her, but warns her that Roxanne was attacked and is currently missing, and advises her to go back to Collinwood immediately. Meanwhile, Barnabas appears in Josette's room and realizes someone is trying to revive Roxanne. He goes to bite her again, but Julia shows up and stops him. Barnabas is tired of Julia interferring with his plans and attempts to bite her, but something happens to him and he falls to the floor.