| - Panzer II (Pz.Kpfw II) – czołg lekki używany przez III Rzeszę w początkowych latach wojny. Występuje w grze Call of Duty 2
- The Panzer II (also known as the PzKpfW. II) was a German light tank used during the early parts of WWII before being superseded by the Panzer IV and later models.
- The Panzer II, officially designated the Panzerkampfwagen II, was a light tank that was used by Germany during World War II.
- Panzer II was the common name of a German tank used in World War II. The official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen II (abbreviated PzKpfw II). Designed as a stopgap while other tanks were developed, it played an important role in the early years of World War II, during the Polish and French campaigns. By the end of 1942, it was largely removed from frontline service and production of the tank itself ceased by 1943, but its chassis was used for several other armored vehicles.
- De Panzerkampfwagen II, (officiële afkorting PzKpfw II, in het spraakgebruik wel Panzer II genoemd), is een Duitse tank uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Net zoals de Panzerkampfwagen I was het geen zware tank en meer bedoeld voor verkenningsritten en trainingen dan het 'echte werk'. Het liep echter anders. De Pzkpfw II, waar er rond de 1920 stuks van gemaakt zijn, zou tijdens de openingsfases van WO II een cruciale rol spelen binnen de Blitzkrieg.
- Despite its flaws, the Panzer II was the most advanced German tank fielded in the Czechoslovakian campaign in 1938. However, given the limited support Czechoslovakia received from its allies, the sheer number of Panzer II's overcame the individual defects of the tank. They were then used in Germany's invasion of the Netherlands and Belgium that led up to Germany's nearly successful drive on Paris, France.