| - Faith No More is an American heavy metal band formed in 1981.
- Faith No More is a band on the game Rock Band. The band make the song Epic. The band also makes the song We Care A Lot. The song is available for download on the X-Box Live Marketplace
- Faith No More é unha influínte banda estadounidense de rock experimental formada en San Francisco, California en 1982 e desaparecida en 1998. O 24 de febreiro do 2009 anunciaron que voltarían a xuntarse para unha xira europea cunha formación idéntica á do tempo da súa disolución.
- Welcome to the Wiki site of Faith No More.
- I Faith no More (pronuncia "Facìt ca se more"), ovvero Fate che si Muore, ovvero Andate e moltiplicatevi, poiché la vita è breve, sono una band formatasi nei bassifondi di Bari dalle ceneri dei Village People.
- Faith No More is an American rock band from San Francisco, California. The band was originally formed as Faith No Man, in 1981. Billy Gould, Roddy Bottum and Mike Bordin are the longest remaining members of the band, having been involved with Faith No More since its inception. The band underwent several lineup changes throughout their career. Faith No More officially disbanded in April 1998. They have since reunited, along with all members from their latest release Album of the Year (1997), playing shows to support their The Second Coming Tour, between 2009-2012. The band has not officially announced any future plans to play more shows, or to record another album. The last version of Faith No More to perform consisted of Mike Bordin, Roddy Bottum, Billy Gould, Jon Hudson, and Mike Patton.
- right|300px thumb|right|300 px Faith No More (dt.: Kein Vertrauen mehr) aus San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA, wurde 1979 gegründet, 1982 fanden sie ihren Namen. Sie waren funkige Pioniere an der Grenze zum später so genannten Nu Metal (als ein Crossover von Metal und Hip-Hop) und entwickelten sich zu gemächlicherem Alternative Metal. Faith No More hatten ab 1989 jede Menge Club-Hits ... 1998 haben sie sich offiziell aufgelöst, seit 2009 wurden sie langsam wieder aktiv und verwalten ihr Erbe. → Siehe auch Living Colour, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Urban Dance Squad, 311
- <default>Faith No More</default> Apariciones Género Canción/es Faith No More (traducido del inglés como "No Más Fe") es una agrupación musical formada en San Francisco, California, en el año 1981 con el nombre de "Faith No Man" por el bajista Billy Gould, el baterista Mike Bordin, el teclista Wade Worthington y el frontman Mike Morris, que luego serían reemplazados por Roddy Bottum y Chuck Mosley respectivamente, además de la incorporación del guitarrista Jim Martin. La banda entonces pasó a llamarse Faith No More. Desde sus inicios, y con su debut de 1985 We Care a Lot, se internaron en la escena Underground alternativo. Siempre destacó su facilidad de combinar estilos, como el rock alternativo, funk, hardcore, y hip hop, mezclado con el característico sonido influenciado del heavy met
- Faith No More is an American metal band from San Francisco, California, formed in 1979. The band was originally named Faith No Man. Bassist Billy Gould, keyboardist Roddy Bottum and drummer Mike Bordin are the longest remaining members of the band, having been involved with Faith No More since its inception. The band underwent several lineup changes early in their career, along with some major changes later on. The current lineup of Faith No More consists of Gould, Bottum, Bordin, guitarist Jon Hudson, and vocalist Mike Patton.
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- Faith No More – banda dziwaków z San Francisco. Została założona w 1981 przez gitarzystę, który nie chciał grać na gitarze. Jak podaje Wikipedia, łączyli w swoim brzmieniu metal z rapem i nieistniejącymi gatunkami, co potwierdza, jacy byli genialni. Nie mieli wielkiej siły przebicia, bo mimo że powstali 5 lat przed nimi, byli supportem dla Guns N' Roses. Na początku wokalistką FNM była Courtney Love, ale panowie szybko zdali sobie sprawę z tego, że do niczego się nie nadawała. Później do zespołu dołączył Mike Patton. Wypłynęli singlem „Epic”, który wcale nie miał opowiadać o narcyzmie Mike'a Pattona. Potem wypuścili The Real Thin (ani trochę o nich samych). Obecnie Patton w wolnym czasie obrzuca przekleństwami chłopaków z Wolfmother. Jego największą pasją jest naśladowanie Anthony'ego Kied
- Describe Faith No More here. Well, we'll try. Faith No More is an Alternative Metal band formed in San Fransisco, US in 1981 by bassist Billy Gould, keyboardist Wade Worthington, vocalist Mike Morris and drummer Mike Bordin. A year later, Wade Worthington was replaced by keyboardist Roddy Bottum and Mike Morris was ousted. After going through a series of singers which included Courtney Love, the band was joined by Chuck Mosley in 1983. The same year, Jim Martin was recruited to replace guitarist Mark Bowen. After a long, long time spent changing the lineup before, eventually, Chuck Mosley was replaced by Mike Patton, and the band found massive success with their third album, The Real Thing, which contains their best-known song "Epic".
- In the year 1982, Hairy Pumpkin Farmer was kitten huffing with Mike Boredom, Rowdy Bottom, James (The Transient) Morris, and This Guy. Even though they had no idea how to play any instruments whatsoever (although Bottom was one hell of a skin flute player), they formed a band and called it "Lack of Hope". The name was unpopular amongst the 2 fans they had, however, so they changed their name to "Faith No More", fired James (The Transient) Morris for eating the last bag of Cheetos, hired Chuck Mostly because he happened to be walking by when this happened, and released the single, "Random Explosion Noises with the Drummer Tearing Down His Drum set in the Background, and a Hippie Raping His Guitar". This single had very little success though. So they traveled back in time to 1981 just in tim
- Faith No More is an American alternative metal band from San Francisco, California, formed in 1981 by bassist Billy Gould, keyboardist Roddy Bottum and drummer Mike Bordin. The band is best known for combining elements of heavy metal, funk, progressive rock, hip hop, hardcore punk, thrash metal, and jazz, among many others, and have been hailed as an influential rock band. On February 24, 2009, Faith No More announced that they would be reforming for a European tour with the same lineup before their break up.