| - Mary Ford era la madre de James "Sawyer" Ford. Fue asesinada por su marido (quien luego se suicidó) después de que ambos fueran estafados por el Sawyer original. En "[[|]]", Sawyer le dice a Cooper que el nombre de su madre es Mary y es entonces cuando Cooper la recuerda. El dice que ella suplicó para que él se llevara los 38.000 dólares y la rescatara de su penosa vida. Además añadió que él solo se llevó el dinero y que por tanto no es responsable de lo que su padre le hizo a su madre.
- Mary Jane Ford (née Hall; 8 June 1877 - 4 January 1988) was an American woman notable for her longevity. She was born in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail, Minnesota on 8 June 1877 as the daughter of Henry and Eliza Comstock Hall. She married Griffin Ford in Oklahoma on 14 February 1897. The couple had three children. After some years Mary and Griffin divorced. Mary then married a man named Harry Kennedy. With Harry she had four more children. Harry passed away in the early 1920s, after which Mary remarried to Griffin Ford. Griffin died in 1928. Mary stayed in Oklahoma for the remainder of her life. Mary Jane Ford died in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on 4 January 1988, aged 110 years, 210 days.
- Mary Ford era a mãe de James "Sawyer" Ford. Ela foi assassinada pelo marido, que cometeu suicídio em seguida, depois que os dois foram enganados por Anthony Cooper. Provavelmente, ela cometeu adultério e esse tenha sido o motivo da extrema raiva de seu marido. Mary advertiu Sawyer para que ele fosse para debaixo da cama, fazendo parecer que ele estava na casa dos avós.
- Mary Ford was the mother of James Ford. When she had an affair with a con man named Tom Sawyer, and provided him with thirty-eight thousand dollars of her husband’s money. Mr. Ford returned to his home one night in a rage-filled state. Fearing he would cause harm to her son, she hid him under his bed confident that he would believe young James was still at his grandparent’s house. As she went to the door to prevent her husband from gaining entry, he eventually broke the door down and killed her when she attempted to call for help.
- In "The Brig", Sawyer told Cooper his mother's name was Mary and Cooper remembered her. He said, she practically begged him to take her $38,000 dollars and rescue her from her "sorry little life." Cooper said he only took her money and wasn't responsible for what James' father did.
- Mary Ford era la madre di James "Sawyer" Ford. È stata uccisa dal marito, poi suicidatosi, dopo essere stata sedotta e truffata da Anthony Cooper, che allora si faceva chiamare Tom Sawyer. Nell'episodio "Fuorilegge", Mary fa nascondere il piccolo James sotto al letto per far credere al marito che il bambino sia a casa dei nonni. La madre di Sawyer esce dalla stanza e si sente il rumore di una porta che viene sfondata, poi le grida della donna che alla fine sono messe a tacere da un colpo di pistola. Ne "Il brigantino", Sawyer dice a Cooper che il nome di sua madre era Mary e Cooper si ricorda di lei, dicendo che lei lo aveva praticamente scongiurato di prendere i suoi 38.000 dollari e salvarla dalla sua "misera e triste vita".
- Mary Ford est la mère de James Ford « Sawyer ». Elle fut tuée par son mari, lequel se suicida par la suite, après qu’ils aient tous deux été arnaqués par un escroc se faisant appeler Tom Sawyer. Elle était soupçonnée d’infidélité, ce qui provoqua la rage de son mari. (Le Prix de la vengeance)
- Mary Ford ist die Mutter von James „Sawyer“ Ford. Sie wird von ihrem Mann umgebracht, nachdem sie beide von Anthony Cooper (ihnen als „Tom Sawyer“ bekannt) betrogen wurden.
- Mary Ford była matką Jamesa Forda. Została zabita przez swojego męża, który następnie popełnił samobójstwo. Małżonkowie zostali oszukani przez Anthony'ego Coopera, który przedstawił im się jako Tom Sawyer. Kobieta także zdradzała męża z oszustem. Mary ostrzegła Sawyera, aby schował się pod łóżkiem, co sprawiało wrażenie jakby wiedziała, co ją czeka.