| - Thomas Sinclair (2339 - August 5, 2390) was the director of the Shadow Marshals and the president of the Vektan Security Agency during the events of Killzone: Shadow Fall, as well as being one of the primary antagonists, serving initially as a supporting character beforehand. Sinclair was a former Shadow Marshal himself serving in the Second Extrasolar War, and the Helghast resettlement. He tasks Lucas Kellan with missions and objectives throughout the game. He first meets Lucas when his father Michael attempted to escape New Helghan. After saving Lucas from certain death, Sinclair took him to the Vektan side of the wall. He seems to regard the Helghast as animals and views the peace treaty as a mistake. Ruthless and calculating, he is shown to go to any lengths to wipe out the remaining Helghast, even so far as betraying and executing Lucas, who was like a son to him, to restart the war. In retaliation, Echo assassinated Sinclair during a speech as he attempts to get political will behind him. Sinclair is voiced and portrayed by David Harewood.