Deinyn Fembrys was a male Chondathan human cleric of Shar. He was one of a group of clerics Shar posing as clerics of Mystra at a false Temple of Mystra in Wheloon in Cormyr in 1374 DR.
Deinyn Fembrys was a male Chondathan human cleric of Shar. He was one of a group of clerics Shar posing as clerics of Mystra at a false Temple of Mystra in Wheloon in Cormyr in 1374 DR.
Deinyn Fembrys was a male Chondathan human cleric of Shar. He was one of a group of clerics Shar posing as clerics of Mystra at a false Temple of Mystra in Wheloon in Cormyr in 1374 DR.