| - This, together with Linker and Re-Nation, was one of the three Hymmnos crafted during the time when the First Tower was being built. Its function is putting the Tower in Sleep Mode (shutting down the system infrastructure called SIS), rendering all Song Magic useless and taking the Administrator with it, as she cannot stay conscious due to her conscious self being part of the SIS. However, all the vital facilities of the Tower such as the SH Server, the Musical Corridor and the Plasma Bell remain active, as they were created after the Tower's completion and are managed under a different administrative system, the BIS. Similarly, Grathmeld is still possible because the Silver Horn is also considered as a part of the BIS.
| - This, together with Linker and Re-Nation, was one of the three Hymmnos crafted during the time when the First Tower was being built. Its function is putting the Tower in Sleep Mode (shutting down the system infrastructure called SIS), rendering all Song Magic useless and taking the Administrator with it, as she cannot stay conscious due to her conscious self being part of the SIS. However, all the vital facilities of the Tower such as the SH Server, the Musical Corridor and the Plasma Bell remain active, as they were created after the Tower's completion and are managed under a different administrative system, the BIS. Similarly, Grathmeld is still possible because the Silver Horn is also considered as a part of the BIS. The Administrator then enters a suspended animation sleep until the Tower is rebooted. This is done in order to carry out the Tower Administrator Guard Change Ceremony, as the Tower must be in Sleep Mode while the proper software and hardware configurations to replace the current Administrator with another Reyvateil Origin are being carried out, otherwise the Tower will suffer from multiple system errors. Additionally, the reason this Song has such a sorrowful sound to it and so much longing in its lyrics it's due to two reasons: first, the Song is based off the yasra dius manaf requiem the Moon Chanters have sung since time immemorial, and fittingly, the Tower Administrator sings it as a requiem for herself, as due to how the Administrator Guard Change works, the current Administrator will permanently die if this Song's counterpart, EXEC_RE=NATION/. is sung after configuring another Reyvateil Origin as the new Administrator due to the processes that maintain her alive going offline for good. This Song also Suspends the Second Tower, and ceases the sending of Symphonic Power to Sol Marta. It doesn't have any effects over Harvestasha, since both Towers are completely independent from each other, but it could be said that this song is somewhat related functionally to EXEC_METEMPSYCHOSIS/., because of both being controllers for the Symphonic Power of their respective Towers. During the events of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, Shurelia sang this Song after it was shown that Mir was invincible regardless of how much Lyner and his party fought her. Thinking this would be the best for the world, Shurelia started singing Suspend to render Mir harmless, but also falling herself into a sleep she thought would be permanent. Unfortunately, this also interrupted the flow of energy to Metafalss and caused part of the Rim to collapse, as well as rendering all the non-IPD Reyvateils completely powerless until the Tower was finally restored to its full functionality by Aurica. These events caused a severe unrest in Metafalss that pushed the Grand Bell to hasten their preparations for their War Against the Goddess, as due to being unaware of what was the true cause behind that disaster, the Metafalssians thought the Goddess was taking retribution for going against her, while the more knowledgeable people thought the energy from Sol Marta was cut off by the Goddess' guardian.