| - Indeed.
- I'm as frustrated right now as I've ever been. I just can't believe this.
- {Muttering to yourself... Incredulous...} This is just unbelievable.
- {Sincere, friendly} Good to see you. Feeling well today?
- I'll see that the mess in Hydroponics is cleaned up.
- {Relieved, satisfied / Relieved} Your compassion and understanding speak well of you.
- {Tiinkering with something... almost rhetorical} Here we are. Just give me a moment...
- {Amused, add a chuckle at the start / Amused} I'm not going to miss everyone complaining about insufficient power levels.
- I'm truly sorry. This must all be terribly difficult for you.
- {Impressed / Impressed} Things have changed for the better since you arrived. Looks like Father was right all along.
- It's my mission to ensure that everyone lives a comfortable and productive life.
- {Apologetic / Apologetic} Yes, of course. Sorry if I seemed ungrateful.
- If you can't reason with them, you can use this holotape to access the command functions on the observation room terminal.
- I can unlock the maintenance tunnel that leads to the BioScience observation room.
- {Friendly / Friendly} I'm sure some of the others will question your appointment as our next director. Don't let it bother you.
- {Stern / Stern} Well I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced, but solving personnel issues is part of an administrator's job.
- That's more than fair. I'll see to it that everyone's notified.
- {Shouting through a closed door at someone} No good can come of this, Lawrence. You won't win!
- {Impressed, amused} Our newest synths are so lifelike, I keep mistaking them for real people.
- As a matter of fact, there is.
- {Firm rejection / Confident} I'm sorry, but I won't do that. We're not savages.
- I'll see to those supplies. At least they'll have a fighting chance, which is perhaps more than they deserve.
- {Stern / Stern} That was... unfortunate. We don't like violence here, and I fear your actions will have consequences.
- In all my years, I've never seen anything like this. The sheer impertinence of it!
- {Apologetic / Apologetic} I just didn't want to see anyone get hurt.
- I believe I can help with that.
- I'm in charge of housing and provisions.
- It's damned selfish, that's what it is!
- Doctor Higgs has always been one to complain. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by this.
- I understand that they feel slighted, but it won't change anything.
- No, they've lost faith.
- {Grateful / Grateful} I also wanted to offer you something as a more personal expression of gratitude.
- There is one further matter to discuss.
- There, it's unlocked.
- {Sympathetic, supportive... the player's father was killed and you are euologzing him / Sad} Your son will leave a lasting legacy here. He truly was a great man and a great leader.
- {Wistful} When the lights go down and the stars come out, a man just forgets all his troubles.
- {A realization... you were wrong / Impressed} I wasn't sure about you, not at first. Now I can see why Father chose you to lead us.
- Yes, well, it seems we're at an impasse.
- {Lecturing / Neutral} In the short-term, perhaps, but choosing violence always carries a cost.
- {Friendly, enthusiastic / Friendly} For what it's worth, I think you're a fine choice to take Father's place.
- {Sad} I suppose I should also make the funeral arrangements.
- {Hint of sadness. / Sad} When Higgs and Loken chose their path, they chose the consequences that go with it.
- {Frustrated / Irritated} They've taken control of the BioScience security systems and cut off our food supply.
- {Genuine compassion} People on the surface have got it pretty bad. Makes me thankful for being down here.
- {Hopeful} Well, perhaps if you could just talk to them, this could all be resolved peacefully.
- {Shouting through a closed door at someone} It's not too late to change your minds!
- {Irritated, exasperated / Irritated} Doctor Higgs and Doctor Loken have decided to protest your appointment as Father's successor.
- {Sad / Sad} I... I understand. I'll make the necessary arrangements, though it saddens me to do so.
- {Thinking aloud / Thinking} In fact, I think I can help you with that.
- {Confident} I'll make it my top priority.
- {Curt, professional} I'll take that holotape back.
- {Defeated, giving up / Tired} Oh, what's the use.
- {Irritated, forceful / Irritated} See that you do.
- {Relieved} You're right, of course.
- Of course, I understand. Nearly all of us were born here, but you come form a very different world.
- {Sincere, friendly} I hope all your needs are being seen to. You just let me know if they're not.
- I can understand why Higgs and Loken are frustrated. To not be consulted on a decision of that magnitude must feel like an insult.
- {Irritated / Irritated} Well, you can tell him that I intend to speak to Father about these unannounced security sweeps of yours.
- {Pleading / Pleading} Please, I beg you, choose something else. Anything.
- {Angry / Angry} Ransacking my quarters in the middle of the night is totally unacceptable.
- {Irritated, accusing / Irritated} So, Doctor Ayo thinks he can hide in his office, does he?
- For what it's worth, I have every confidence in you. Higgs and Loken do not speak for all of us.
- {Grateful / Grateful} I know that your work often takes you to the surface where supplies are scarce.
- {Very friendly, perhaps laying it on a bit thick} Welcome, welcome! It's so good to meet you. I truly hope you'll come to think of the Institute as your home.
- From there, you should be able to communicate with Higgs and Loken.
- I wish I could say that would be unfair, but there's no denying those men put all our lives at risk.
- You should know that many of us consider it a great honor to have you here.
- {Grateful / Grateful} I gathered these items together for you. I think you'll find them useful.
- {Serious, somber / Somber} I know these men, and I can assure you they're completely serious.
- {Concerned / Concerned} Not yet, but I expect they'll demand that you renounce all ties to the Institute.
- {Muttering to yourself... Incredulous...} In all my years, I have never seen such nerve!
- There's an opportunity here to demonstrate your ability to lead. I hope you'll make the most of it.
- Well, there's much to do, so I'll get about it. In the meantime, I'm sure everyone will be relieved that this is over.
- {Worried, urging restraint / Worried} That should give you some options. Just please, try to talk to them first. Use violence only as a last resort.
- {Broaching a difficult subject} Obviously, some kind of disciplinary action must be taken here. The question of what form it takes is up to you.
- {Angry... shouting through a door at someone / Angry} I know you can hear me, now open this door!
- {Impressed, pleased / Impressed} Bravo! I admit, I was fearing for the worst, but I can see that I underestimated you.
- Remember, they control the defense systems. Be careful
- {Firm, resolute / Confident} I must insist that you choose another form of punishment.
- {Frustrated... shouting through a door at someone / Irritated} For goodness' sake, be reasonable!
- {Pleading / Pleading} Look, I can see that you're angry, but please, talk to them before resorting to more violent measures.
- {Surprised, aghast / Surprised} What?! Execute them? But that's not how we do things here.
- {Apologetic / Apologetic} I don't meant to preach. I simply wish that matters could have been resolved more peacefully.
- I'm so glad to hear you say so. and promise I'll work hard to make sure that you do.
- I begged them to stop this nonsense before you returned, but of course they wouldn't listen.
- {Apologetic / Apologetic} I apologize. I won't doubt you again.