| - Luminara Unduli egy miriali Jedi Mester és főtábornok volt a Galaktikus Köztársaságban a Klón Háborúk alatt. Az utolsó és egyben legutolsó ismert tanítványa a szintén miriali, Barriss Offee volt. A két miriali gyakran harcolt együtt a csatákban, mivel különleges fénykard-technikájukkal egy félelmetes duót alkottak.
- Luminara Unduli var en kvinnlig mirialansk jedimästare och general i Republikens sista år. Hon var en värdefull rådgivare åt jedirådet, överkanslern och åt Galaktiska Senaten. Med sin padawan Barriss Offee var hon en vanlig närvarande vid olika kriser. Hon var även en av de få jedi som överlevde slaget om Geonosis och lyckades hålla ställning mot den mörka jedin Asajj Ventress. Hon föll som otaliga andra jedi offer för order 66 på Kashyyyk.
- Luminara Unduli war die ehemalige Meisterin der Sith Barriss Offee. Sie konnte vor der Order 66 fliehen, wurde aber später vom Imperium gefangen genommen und vom Inquisitor getötet.
- Luminara Unduli war eine Jedi-Meisterin des Alten Ordens, die zur Zeit der Klonkriege lebte. Sie gehörte der Spezies der Mirialaner an und war eine disziplinierte Jedi, die dem Jedi-Kodex treu ergeben war. Sie bildete einen Padawan – Barriss Offee – aus, an den sie ihre Weisheit und ihren hochachtungsvollen Charakter weitergab. Sie starb im Jahr 19 VSY im Zuge der Ausführung der Order 66 auf Kashyyyk.
- Luminara Unduli was een Mirialan Jedi Master die één van de Jedi Generals was tijdens de Clone Wars. Haar voormalige Padawan was Barriss Offee. Luminara overleefde the Battle of Geonosis, maar werd na de gevechten op Kashyyyk gevangengenomen.
- Luminara Unduli Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Ženy Kategória:Jediovia
- Luminara Unduli was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
- Luminara Unduli is a minifigure released as part of the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith subtheme of Star Wars in 2005. The minifigure was redesigned in 2011 to appear in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars subtheme. Luminara Unduli has also been featured in all four LEGO Star Wars video games to date.
- Luminara Unduli war eine Jedi des Alten Jedi-Ordens zur Zeit der Galaktischen Republik vor dem ersten Galaktischem Imperium. Sie starb bei Order 66.Zur Zeit der Klonkriege hat sie einen Padawan names Barris Offee.luminara ist toll. Sie wurde zusammen mit Shaak Ti und Aayla von Yoda ausgebildet.
- Luminara Unduli war eine Jedi des Alten Jedi-Ordens zur Zeit der Galaktischen Republik vor dem ersten Galaktischem Imperium. Sie starb bei Order 66.Zur Zeit der Klonkriege hat sie einen Padawan names Barris Offee.luminara ist toll. Sie wurde zusammen mit Shaak Ti und Aayla von Yoda ausgebildet.
- Luminara Unduli was a Mirialan Jedi Master for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
- Al final de la guerra, Unduli luchó en la Batalla de Kashyyyk . Sin embargo, murió después de que el Canciller Supremo Palpatine ejecutara la Orden 66 y destruyera la Orden Jedi. El Imperio Galáctico más tarde usó sus huesos para atraer a los Jedi en trampas para que pudieran ser asesinados. Una de esas trampas fue tendida a Kanan Jarrus y la tripulación del Espíritu, que creía que Unduli estaba viva y había sido encarcelada en Stygeon. Organizaron una misión de rescate, sólo para descubrir que se trataba de una trampa ideada por El Inquisidor. Los rebeldes escaparon con el conocimiento de que Unduli estaba muerta.
- LuminaraUnduliLegoStarWarsMinifigure.jpg|Luminara in Episode 3 lego-star-wars-minifigures-luminara-unduli.jpg|Luminara In The Clone Wars Jedi-Meisterin Luminara Unduli tritt oft in Star Wars The Clone Wars auf. Sie hat eine Padawanschülerin Barriss Offee.
- Luminara Unduli served the Jedi order in the final years of the Galactic Republic. An exotic female humanoid, Luminara was a trusted advisor to the Jedi Council and the Republic government. When crises demanded it, she and her faithful Padawan learner, Barriss Offee, would rush into the thick of conflict, where their incredible talents with the lightsaber blade served them well.
- Luminara Unduli was a Mirialan Jedi Master and a survivor of Order 66. She trained the famed Jedi Knight Barriss Offee. She was born to poor merchants on Mirial. They knew they couldn't take care of a child and left her with the rich Oyaya family. Master Yoda discovered her and brought her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained. She was trained in Soresu and was a formidable opponent, be it armed with a lightsaber or her bare hands. She wielded a green lightsaber and participated in the Battle of Geonosis, which she survived. In the Clone Wars, she was assigned to Kashyyyk along with Master Yoda. Imperial records state she was killed in Order 66, but in actuality, she killed off her clone troopers and exiled herself to Mirial where she trained her final padawan, a Wookiee named Mary
- Luminara Unduli was a Mirialan female Jedi Master during the final days of the Jedi Order. She commanded the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was the master of Padawan Barriss Offee. Together, they fought in numerous battlefields of the Clone Wars, before Offee turned against the Jedi Order and bombed the Jedi Temple.
- Luminara Unduli was a clinically depressed female Mirialan Jedi who participated in many military defeats during the Clone Wars. As seen in her picture, she had ten fingers. She honed her lightsaber skills in between her daily fretting and moping sessions. Fighting with her was difficult because she wore her huge, Guinan-like hat and thick, voluminous robes into combat. You could score several direct blaster hits on her, but you'd only be hitting robe. Several B2 super battle droids scored direct headshots on Luminara, but only singed her hat. Naturally, these garments were of a very dark hue.
- [Source] Luminara Unduli était une Maître Jedi native de Mirial. Comme de nombreux autres Jedi, la Mirialan combattit lors de la bataille de Géonosis. Peu après le début de la Guerre des Clones, elle fut chargée d'accompagner le Vice-Roi Nute Gunray de la Fédération du Commerce, l'un des leaders du Conseil Séparatiste, qui avait été capturé sur Rodia. Malheureusement, Asajj Ventress parvint à le libérer de la garde de la jedi. Durant la deuxième année du conflit, Unduli fit partie des commandants participant à la seconde bataille de Géonosis.
- Luminara Unduli was part of a mission to Ansion with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, where she witnessed Skywalker's trouble with fitting into the Jedi Order. Shortly afterward, Unduli was present at a meeting with Chancellor Palpatine, where it was announced Kenobi and Skywalker had been captured by the Separatists on the planet Geonosis. Luminara was eventually killed on the world Kashyyyk; Darth Sidious had managed to turn Skywalker to the dark side and commanded the clone troopers to turn on their Jedi leaders.
- Born on the cold, dry world of Mirial, Luminara Unduli joined the Jedi Order at a young age. Unduli attended a meeting with her fellow Jedi speaking with the Supreme Chancellor on the matters of the Separatist Crisis. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured by the Separatist on Geonosis, and Unduli and her Padawan Barris joined Mace Windu's Jedi task force and launced a rescue mission. Unduli fought against Count Dooku's droid soldiers at the Battle of Geonosis. Luminara and more than 200 other Jedi fought Dooku's army of droids and Geonosian soldiers in the arena.
- "Kristalli on terän sydän.Sydän on jedin kristalli.Jedi on voiman kristalli.Voima on sydämen terä.Kaikki ovat yhtä:kristalli,terä,jedi.Sinä olet yksi." -Luminara Unduli Malline Luminara Unduli oli mirialainen jedimestari ja Galaktisen Tasavallan kloonisotien aikainen jedikenraali. Hänen viimeinen padawaninsa oli Barriss Offee. Nämä kaksi mirialaista työskentelivät aina yhdessä taistelukentällä, ja heidän mahtavat valosapelitaitonsa tekivät heistä voimakkaan taistelukaksikon. Hän oli yksi käsky 66:n uhri ja hän menehtyi Kashyyykissa. Luminara oli erityisen notkea jedimestari ja pystyi aivan mahdottomiin liikkeisiin. Unduli suosii Soresu-valosapelitekniikkaa. Hänellä oli naamassaan paljon erilaisia tatuointeja ja kuvioita. Esimerkiksi yksi kuvioista tarkoitti fyysisen erikoistumisen vertausk
- Luminara Unduli era una Maestra Jedi Mirialana e un Generale della Repubblica Galattica durante il periodo delle Guerre dei Cloni.Era anche un ottima amica del maestro jedi Aayla Secura. Luminara diventò un Maestro Jedi negli anni precedenti la Battaglia di Naboo, diventando un fidato consigliere del Consiglio Jedi e del Governo della Repubblica. Tutti i padawan che ha addestrato, inclusa Barriss Offee, sono dei nativi di Mirial, poiché la loro cultura imponeva che ogni bambino dato all'Ordine Jedi dovesse essere addestrato da un Maestro Mirialano.
- Luminara Unduli was a female Mirialan Jedi Master who fought in the Clone Wars. She fought on planets such as Geonosis, Ansion and Ilum. She often worked together with her Mirialan padawan Barriss Offee, who appears in Republic swamp speeder. Luminara Unduli was reported missing when Order 66 was intact the Clone troopers automatically reacted that she was dead, on Kashyyyk. Unduli wielded a green lightsaber, and had very powerful mastery over the Force.