| - Also see: Academic Technology Coordinator Job Description
* Establish an environment which encourages creative and independent use of instructional technology throughout the school.
* Model effective uses of appropriate instructional technology in the classroom and the school media center for teachers and students.
* Follow school Technology Plan, Acceptable Use Policy, copyright laws, and technology guidelines.
* Research new and emerging technologies, software and hardware solutions, and grant opportunities, in keeping with the district technology plan and school-based instructional goals, providing this information to the building technology team/committee, principal, and administrative staff.
* Maintain hardware and software inventories including licensing and secur
| - Also see: Academic Technology Coordinator Job Description
* Establish an environment which encourages creative and independent use of instructional technology throughout the school.
* Model effective uses of appropriate instructional technology in the classroom and the school media center for teachers and students.
* Follow school Technology Plan, Acceptable Use Policy, copyright laws, and technology guidelines.
* Research new and emerging technologies, software and hardware solutions, and grant opportunities, in keeping with the district technology plan and school-based instructional goals, providing this information to the building technology team/committee, principal, and administrative staff.
* Maintain hardware and software inventories including licensing and securing of software media.
* Assist educators in planning for the use and integration of technology in the instructional program.
* Assist teachers with the use of computer carts and labs, including training and scheduling.
* Participate in the design, coordination, and provision of instructional technology workshops, and researching and/or providing individual training opportunities for teachers to ensure the best use of technology.
* Participate as a member of the faculty in faculty meetings and events.
* Participate as a member of the school’s web content team.
* Develop written instructions and procedures for the use of hardware and software as needed.
* Participate in budget decisions related to technology to assist in the provision of a well-chosen and up to date collection of technology materials and equipment.
* Participate as a member of the school’s technology committee/team to support and implement the district’s technology plan and school-based technology instructional goals.
* Coordinate with and assist the network specialist with the administration and support of the site-based instructional and administrative networks, including minor troubleshooting.
* Coordinate with and assist the network specialist to ensure the backup of all servers and the maintenance of a tape rotation schedule and log.
* Participate in technology-related professional development opportunities including self-study, workshops, and conferences on school, district, state, and national levels, as approved by the Principal and/or Designee.
* Attend scheduled technology related Information Services and Curriculum meetings as notified, and communicate and coordinate with Curriculum, IS, and Facilities as needed.
* Interpret the school’s instructional technology program for staff, parents, and members of the community.
* Teach technology classes to students
* Teach and/or team-teach technology related lessons as needed with classroom teachers
* Develop benchmarks for student technology proficiency
* Create formative assessment processes that frequently measure progress towards those benchmarks
* Assist faculty in the design of standards-based, technology rich curriculum that improves student learning
* Help with basic troubleshooting
* Assess and report on all aspects of technology related to educational goals of the school
* Seek out and work with teachers to develop technology related lessons and curriculum
* Serve as a mentor to teachers and staff for technology use
* Work with faculty to facilitate and enhance the vision and goals of technology implementation
* Train individual teachers and students to use software, hardware, and peripheral devices as needed
* Develop and offers technology training workshops for teachers
* Develop and maintains technology related lesson, curriculum, and standards documents
* Meet with grade level, department, library, and trustee committees to assess and plan curriculum
* Integrate use of the school’s web site and Internet resources consistent with the school’s educational mission
* Create and maintains online and printed help sheets for a variety of software and hardware
* Research and publicize professional development workshop offerings
* Provide oversight for computer labs, student laptops, and classroom desktops
* Offer student technology clubs and independent study in technology
* Provides support for elective classes using technology
* Meets with technology department to assess and remediate educational configuration and support issues
* Documents use of technology for ongoing assessment and publication purposes
* Ability to observe a lesson and ask, "Was this effective?" rather than "Was this the way I would done this?"
* patience, patience, patience
* creative thinker and problem solver
* constantly searches for new ideas
* comfortable with change
* non-judgmental
* wiling to meet people where THEY are
* willing to do anything needed; generous of time, thought and energy
* love of technology as a tool for teaching and learning
* understanding of students' needs
* understanding of curriculum and teaching
* empathy Key points about this position:
* The person needs to have a very flexible schedule. Perhaps teach one class, but that is all.
* Work to develop relationships with the teachers so they trust this person.
* Teachers present what they are doing in division meetings to build enthusiasm. The tech integrator orchestrates this. This is critical.
* We only give advanced tech equipment to teachers who apply for it-- thus the more they want to do and are committed to learning, the more good stuff they get.
* In the lower school the tech integrators require each teacher to see them once every two weeks or so.
* We offered a special tech camp for one week during the summer. This week we are building in time for teachers to write a lesson plan using the technology-- done at the "camp" where there is tech help and hand-holding. Resources:
* Digital Educators Program