| - Usually when there's a Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion, or some type of pandemic thanks to The Virus, or The Plague, there will eventually be rumors that start to spread amongst survivors, and refugees about a "safe zone", or a "outpost" or something to that effect. After hearing this news of a possible refuge the desperate protagonists go on an arduous and harrowing pilgrimage to said place where there's hopefully food, shelter, and uninfected (and sane) humans. Compare Room Full of Zombies. Overlaps with Abandoned Area in some cases. Examples of Safe Zone Hope Spot include:
| - Usually when there's a Zombie Apocalypse, Alien Invasion, or some type of pandemic thanks to The Virus, or The Plague, there will eventually be rumors that start to spread amongst survivors, and refugees about a "safe zone", or a "outpost" or something to that effect. After hearing this news of a possible refuge the desperate protagonists go on an arduous and harrowing pilgrimage to said place where there's hopefully food, shelter, and uninfected (and sane) humans. Of course the protagonists eventually reach said destination only for them to find out the hope and soul crushing truth. Truth being that the outpost/Safe Zone has been either overrun, abandoned and desolate (and probably has been for hours, days, weeks, or months), or maybe even a trap. Or worse, there never was a outpost or safe zone to begin with, likely due to misinformation (or false hope). Could result in a Shoot the Shaggy Dog moment, and or Downer Ending. Compare Room Full of Zombies. Overlaps with Abandoned Area in some cases. Examples of Safe Zone Hope Spot include: