| - Red's Charizard ↔ Mega Charizard X, Red's Jolteon, Red's Scyther, Red's Dodrio, Red's Lapras, Red's Persian, Red's Fearow, Red's Arbok, Red's Tentacool, Red's Pikachu, Red's Chansey, Red's Rapidash, Red's Tauros, Red's Articuno, Red's Zapdos, Red's Moltres, Red's Gengar, Red's Mewtwo, Blue's Pidgeot, Blue's Alakazam, Blue's Rhydon, Blue's Arcanine, Blue's Exeggutor, Blue's Blastoise, Lorelei's Dewgong, Bruno's Onix, Agatha's Gengar, Lance's Dragonite, Mew, Rhydon
;Pokémon from the Pokémon House:
Vulpix, Oddish, Growlithe, Cubone
;Pokémon appearing in the scientist review:
Bulbasaur, Butterfree, Raticate, Clefable, Mankey, Machamp, Victreebel, Haunter, Seaking, Aerodactyl