| - These creatures; referred to simply as "Otters" by the Human colonists, are an intelligent race of beings which inhabit the swamps of the planet Sunday. They are sapient (although seemingly devoid of technology), gregarious, amphibious herbivores and resemble an Earth otter with a bear-like face. They have webbed paws, long clawed digits and incisor teeth specialized for gnawing through wood, rather like beavers. Despite their mammalian appearance, they are oviparous. While they haven't been officially recognized as intelligent by the Humans, their language can be translated by the TARDIS' telepathic circuits.
- Sundayan otters were encountered by the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones in 2108, on their homeworld of Sunday. The Doctor at first mistook them for beavers, because of their incisors, which appeared to be designed to chew through wood. However, xenozoologist Ty Benson opined that they were visually closer to otters.
| - These creatures; referred to simply as "Otters" by the Human colonists, are an intelligent race of beings which inhabit the swamps of the planet Sunday. They are sapient (although seemingly devoid of technology), gregarious, amphibious herbivores and resemble an Earth otter with a bear-like face. They have webbed paws, long clawed digits and incisor teeth specialized for gnawing through wood, rather like beavers. Despite their mammalian appearance, they are oviparous. While they haven't been officially recognized as intelligent by the Humans, their language can be translated by the TARDIS' telepathic circuits.
- Sundayan otters were encountered by the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones in 2108, on their homeworld of Sunday. The Doctor at first mistook them for beavers, because of their incisors, which appeared to be designed to chew through wood. However, xenozoologist Ty Benson opined that they were visually closer to otters. Still, this designation was only approximate, as they weren't actually mammals. They were egg-layers, but somehow additionally dissimilar to mammals that even the label "monotreme" didn't quite fit. A further difference between them and Earth otters was that they had toe webbing, which made them semi-aquatic. They were also highly intelligent, having their own language which the Doctor's TARDIS could translate. However, that intelligence was at first suppressed to the level of regular animals by the swamp monster, and they were taken in by the Sundayans for experiments. These experiments stopped when the otters were discovered to be as intelligent as humans. (PROSE: Wetworld)