| - Flamingo
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- From: payo on Identi.ca
- Ducks provide bird-based decoration in Overlord II. Killing them does not provide anything the Browns could pick up, i.e. feathers.They are found in Nordberg,near the ruined,and later repaired stone bridge.
- Ducks are water birds related to geese, they don't sing attractive songs. Wild ducks and free range domestic ducks can be rather pretty birds but domestic ducks are sometimes kept in cruel conditions and reared in sheds where they can't get to water, see Factory farming.
- The Ducks are characters in the show. In season 1,the ducks had appeard with the green head,brown and light brown body. In season 2 they are repeard and repainted in white. Friends:The Flock,Lola,Bitzer Enemies:The Pigs
- Ducks had feathers and most of them were yellow or black. Darth Ducky fought in this honkin' war and so did Darth Daffy, his Sith Master. They liked POWAH. Darth Elmo hated them, while Darth Darth Binks loved them. The species became extinct with the destruction of their homeworld. The only known survivor was the dreaded NegaDuck.
- The Duck is a type of "Marauder", a powered armor type bipedal vehicle. It is armed with a Gatling gun on its left side, a rocket launcher on its right side, and a missile launcher on its back that can fire a variety of ordinance.
- A duck was a species found in the galaxy. A duck's young was called a duckling, and tended to follow elder ducks around. In Galactic Basic, the expression "sitting duck" meant someone or something that was very easy for an enemy to shoot or attack.
- Duck was a male sparrow who aided Keladry of Mindelan during the beginning of the Scanran War. He was thus named because of his lack of tail, which gave him a duck-shaped behind.
- The Duck (ダッキング Dakkingu?, "Ducking") is one of Dudley's special attacks, introduced in the Street Fighter III series.
- In the Railway Series, Duck has two Great Western autocoaches named Alice and Mirabel. Whereas, in the television series he has three Great Western Slip Coaches, collectively nicknamed "Slippies".
- Ducks were creatures found in Club Penguin. They could only be found in the mini-game Hydro Hopper.
- Ducks (アヒル, Ahiru) are species of bird villager in Animal Crossing series. There are a total of nineteen duck villagers so far. Out of them, four are jock, four are lazy, four are snooty, four are peppy, two are normal, and one is smug. Currently, there are no cranky and uchi ducks.
- Duck (ダク) is a defender for The Lagoon.
- Duck is a Great Western pannier tank engine.
- Duck is a Liquid Webtoy object.
- Duck is a great western engine
- Duck is on a boat!
- Ducks are enemies in world 3.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Duck (Japanese: ダック Dakku) is the host of a quiz game; he confidently challenges the protagonist to answer few of his questions. If they answer them correctly, he'll give them some duck-themed items.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Duck is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 5 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- A duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of Earth birds. Major General Henry Landry is "wild" about Fulvous whistling ducks. (SG1: "Uninvited", "Continuum") When Dr. Jay Felger needs to think, he feeds the ducks on a stream in Colorado Springs. (SG1: "Avenger 2.0")
- A Duck is a type of bird in wii sports resort, Ducks and baby ducks can be found at Duckling Lake.
- Aside from using halberds, players can usually only range or mage them. Ranging ducks will cause players to lose ammunition unless they use a chargebow. Because of this, using Ranged to kill ducks is a method that is rarely used by most players. If the duck is next to the shore, the player can hit it with a melee weapon, but this occurrence is rare. Ducks found on land, such as those in Falador Park, can be killed easily with any weapon. As part of the RuneScape Road Trip, ducks can be fed using breadcrumbs, which are created by slicing bread.
- Duck language is spoken by a race of human sized ducks who have human intellegence who created large empire before being defeated by elephant headed humanoids
- A duck is a type of aquatic bird. Hunter's use duck decoy to lure ducks. The Mock Turtle doesn't believe in hunting, and just lets local children play with duck decoy in his shop while their parents are shopping.
- Thể loại:Nhân vật Duck (ダク, Daku) là hậu vệ của đội The Lagoon.
- The Duck is a (member's only) Pet Pal, it cost File:Goldcointemplate.png9,000 coins.
- They are native on Chinese maps. Fu Xi provides the Domestication myth technology, which among other effects, increases gather rates for Chickens and Ducks.
- A duck is a bird of the highest Master's Degree. They often rule over kingdoms and stuff like that. You know, because they're birds of the highest Master's Degree...so...they should have crowns and stuff. And butlers. Teddy bear butlers. Because teddy bear butlers are the best kind of butlers. Except for monkey butlers of course.
- Ducks are birds with webbed feet and waterproof feathers. They can fly and swim.
- Duck (also known as Duck Maze) is an unlicensed clone of Doki Doki Penguin Land, made for the NES in 1987 by Bit Corp. and released in Australia and Brazil by HES and Dismac respectively.
- The Duck runs around in the garden. The Duck has no effects to norns, however, it may make hands laugh uncontrollably! Cob by Stefan Kuske with graphics by Nemes Zoltán. It is available from Norntropolis, Creature Comforts, Albian Critter Litter and CObfinder General, among other places. It uses the C1 class numbers:
* 2 10 119
- They are just common ducks. Killing them gives you 1 exp point, but no food is obtained.
- Ducks are small, aquatic birds. There are many species of duck, and they are most commonly found along the eastern coasts of all of North America. Ducks are popular as food. They are prepared similar to the way chicken is.
- Slow and smart at the same time, Duck is one who gets herself into comical situations.
- Ducks (Nederlands: Eenden) zijn kleine dieren die leven in rivieren en vijvers. Ze zijn erg klein en droppen niets. Ze zijn een goeie start om Magie te leren, maar ook voor boogschieten. Het is niet aangeraden omdat je je pijlen niet kan terugrapen op het water. Een alternatief is een training bow te halen en dat te gebruiken, wat overigens gratis is. De beste memberplaats om eenden te doden is de Fisher Realm, Omdat daar erg veel zijn in een vijver en nooit andere spelers daar bevinden. De beste Free-to-play plaats voor eenden is de rivier van Lumbridge, want daar zijn een aantal eenden om te trainen.
- The Duck webkinz pet came out in January 2008. It was Pet of the Month for March 2012. It is currently a Seasonal pet. Its special food is Cheese and Quackers and special item is a Wetlands Pond Bathtub.
- Duck refers to the meat of several species of bird in the Anatidae family, found in both fresh and salt water. Duck is eaten in many cuisines around the world.
- A duck is a small, docile bird found near places with moderate rainfall, namley lakes. It yeilds the ingredient Duck ____.
- Ducks are objects that appear during gameplay in all of the RollerCoaster Tycoon Games. They are based off real world Mallards. Having water in your park allows ducks to fly in from the side of the screen and land in the water. Ducks swim in a random pattern and may sometimes end up on a ride at the surface of the water. Clicking on a duck triggers a quacking sound. Ducks fly off after spending some time in the water. Removing the water from underneath the ducks will cause them to immediately fly away.
- "A yellow creature that can travel over land and water. And it's amphibious, too!" —Description The Duck is one of the many animal units in WorldBuilder.
- Normally I'm only good at building modular or repeating-shape mathematical models, but I think this duckling came out quite well.. It's hollow but rigid.
- Ducks (kachny) jsou malá zvířátka, která naleznete na řekách či rybnících. Pokud je zabijete na pevnině, spadnou z nich bones. Jsou dobrou metodou jak začít trénovat skill Magic. Často za nimi plavou káčata - ducklings. Nejvíc je jich na řece Lum v Lumridge, ještě víc jech je ve Fisher's Realm, ale tam mohou jen members.
- Duck is a cheerful, busy engine. He's only a small tank engine, but he'll take no nonsense from larger engines who try to order him about.
- Ducks, when talking, quack. When a single word is used, they quack once. When multiple words are used, they quack continuously. If a word not in the Toontown dictionary is used through the SpeedChat Plus option (assuming the player does not have the true friend option on), or other toons who do not have SpeedChat Plus, the word will be "censored" by "quack," "quacky," or "quackity." If an exclamatory phrase is used, the duck will quack loudly.
- Duck's have been known since the beginning of time, for being evil as herpies.
- The duck is a creature found in ponds, lakes and rivers. The duck is a friendly creature and will not attack if attacked. Often it will just swim away.
- The Duck is a fictional character appearing in Chapters 2 and 3 of the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). The Duck features with a group of birds including a Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet. The Duck was a representation of Rev. Robinson Duckworth, who accompanied Dodgson (the Dodo) on the original boat trip on the River Thames that inspired the book, with Alice Liddell (the inspiration for the main character Alice in the book) and her sisters Lorina (the Lory) and Edith (the Eaglet).
- The Duck is a vanity pet. After successfully escorting the ducks in Chapter 2 of the Confusion Dance quest, you will randomly receive one of these three Duck boxes:
* File:Duck Gift Box.gif Duck
* File:Red Duck Gift Box.gif Red Duck
* File:Motley Duck Gift Box.gif Spotted Duck
- Ducks are a recurring race of animals in the Legend of Zelda series.
- Q once turned Jean-Luc Picard into a duck, in order to unobtrusively watch the events of an alternate timeline. (TNG - Annual comic: "The Gift")
- Duck is a green Great Western Railway tank engine, who is a character in Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 8, and has the letters, "GWR," on his sides. They stand for, "Great Western Railway." Duck's real name is Montague. He got his nickname, "Duck," because they say he, "waddles."
- Name: Duck Legal Name: Nature: Demeanor: Age: Physical: Strength _, Dexterity _, Stamina _ Social: Charisma _, Manipulation _, Appearance _ Mental: Perception _ Intelligence _ Wits _ Talents: Alertness _, Athletics _, Brawl _, Dodge _, Expression _, Intimidation _, Leadership _, Subterfuge _, Streetwise _ Skills: Animal Kern _, Craft _, Drive _, Etiquette _, Firearms _, Melee _, Stealth _, Security _, Survival _ Knowledges: Academics _, Computer _, Finance _, Investigation _, Law _, Linguistics _, Medicine _, Occult _, Politics _, Science _ Backgrounds: Resources _, ...
- Ducking is a technique in every installment of the Punch-Out!! series excluding the 1984 arcade and Micro vs. System games. It can be used to evade attacks that can't be dodged or blocked. In Punch-Out!! featuring Mr. Dream, it is performed by rapidly pressing down on the Control Pad twice. In Punch-Out!!, it can be performed one of three ways depending on the control scheme used by the player. When playing with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, pressing down on the Control Stick activates the maneuver; when playing with only the Wii Remote in both hands, blocking is done by pressing down on the Control Pad; finally, when playing with the Wii Balance Board, applying pressure to its middle with both feet causes Little Mac to duck. Ducking does not evade most uppercuts, or attacks were your oppone
- The English word "duck" has two possible meanings (if you don't listen to cricketers): 1.
* verb: to move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away; "Before he could duck, a duck flew into him" 2.
* noun: 1. small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs; "the duck had to duck to avoid the bridge", 2. the meat of said bird. See also Ambiguous Syntax (of which "I saw her duck" is a famous example). Also see Inherently Funny Words; this joke gains some of its humor from the duck's status as an inherently funny word.
- It has been discovered that Duck has royal roots as seen in the episode "Ducking Duck". He also switched jobs whenNarhwal lost his horn once in the episode "Horn Swoggled". His full name is Archibald William Nightingale Duck III', which was revealed in "'The Sun Howie Always Wanted", when he got an award. Duck can speak in Dirk Danger's native language. According to Duck no means yes in swed-o-vlakian. Duck sleeps on a crate with a pillow and a blanket in the storage cupboard of the Banana Cabana. He keeps a potato masher by his bed. His code for turning off his home made fake sun was Giant Mutant Birthday Cake.
- Nämä elävät vedessä, joten näitä vastaan ei voi käyttää meleetä. Koska ankat elävät vedessä, niitä voi vaan tappaa magella ja rangella, eli näistä ei saa Arroweita takaisin jos käytät rangea. Nämä voivat hitata joissakin paikoissa mutteivät kaikissa, koska elävät vedessä, ja näiden perässä on joskus vähän pieniä ankan poikasia, joita ei voi tappaa ja kun niiden edessä oleva ankka kuolee, ne pelästyy ja menee etsimään toisen emon, ja duckit eivät ole agressiivisia, myrkyllisiä ja näillä on 30 elämää.
- Ducks have appeared sparingly in Sonic the Comic:
* Max Ear Wax wore an inflatable life belt around his belt in the Pirate S.T.C. story, sporting a duck's head on the front.
* Ultra-Duck, also known as "Big Bill Screwloose", is an out-of-work duck who pretended to be a better superhero than the Freedom Fighters in order to undermine their efforts. Unfortunately, he was useless when real Badniks came to attack and Tekno the Canary revealed his real identity.
* A giant robotic duck was supposedly part of one of the Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe's plans, but was shut down by Tekno's Datachip Scrambler.
* A caped duck from the year 5000 regretted not being able to tell Tekno and Amy Rose about their future perils.
* Bean the Dynamite is a duck who has had a minor rol
- Ducks are small animals which can be found in rivers or lakes. They are very small and drop bones when found on ground. They are a fairly good way to start training the Magic skill with low-Level Curse spells and even Strike spells.
- In the late 1100s, the infamous artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci created the duck by selectively crossbreeding certain chickens with rabbits. He required this new species of bird so he could create a follow-up to the famous painting 'The Mona Lisa' which was to be called 'The Mona Lisa holding a Duck'. Through his experiments, Da Vinci managed to create around 1.5 billion ducks by comandeering some of the most advanced and sophisticated technologies of his generation. First, Leonardo went around to all the chicken farms in Italy to find the chickens which most closely resembled the sketch he had done of the bird he saw in his drug induced hallucinations. Then using romantic lute music and a case of the chicken aphrodisiac 'Boing Bong', he managed to breed enough chikcedns to pioneer a
- In 2268, James Kirk told the Beta XII-A entity it was a dead duck aboard the USS Enterprise, as he and Kang's people had realized they could defeat it with peace. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" ) In 2285, when the Enterprise entered the Mutara sector, they were engaged in combat by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey commanded by Kruge. During the attack, they had lost control of their ship, Kirk said: "So, we're a sitting duck." (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) That same year, the Farmer's Daughter tried to distract Harry Kim and Tom Paris by inviting them to see the duck pond. (VOY: "Caretaker")
- Duck from Pearls Before Swine is the "watchduck" for Pig and Rat's home, and still lives with them despite often taking on different occupations. He's known for a short temper and a violent streak (usually Rocket launcher-related) bordering on stereotypical sociopathy. Pig often locked him in a clothes hamper or wastebasket as a punishment for irrational actions. Months later, the Duck robbed a bank and was thrown in prison. Though he was awarded release on bail, the Duck escaped prison and has been with Pig and Rat ever since.
- Duck was built at Swindon in March 1929 as the Paddington Station Pilot. He carried a worksplate that read “North British Locomotive Company Ltd. No.23859. Queen’s Park Works Glasgow 1929”. As carried by the GWR 5700 Class’ 0-6-0PT 5741 that emerged from Works in March 1929 under Lot 256 at a contract price of £2,888. Initially allocated to Aberbeeg, she moved to Newport Ebbw in 1934, Ebbw Junction in December 31, 1947 and August 1950, Aberdare in 1952, and finally Newport Pill in 1956. Duck worked at Paddington before moving to Sodor in 1955 to take over Percy's shunting duties, leaving the latter free to assist with the construction of Knapford Harbour. Duck was a hard worker, but the others mistook his work ethic for simplicity and tried to use this to their advantage. They soon found t