| - In early 2374, Arturis' people were assimilated by the Borg after centuries of successful resistance. Arturis was one of only 20,000 people who escaped the Borg and was lucky to have his own ship. He blamed the crew of the starship USS Voyager, in particular Captain Kathryn Janeway, for his species' defeat at the hand of the Borg after the Voyager crew had aided the Borg in their fight against Species 8472. As such, he decided to exact revenge on them, believing that his species could have been saved if Species 8472 had been allowed to destroy the Collective, regarding the Borg as simply a "force of nature" that could only be avoided rather than fought or destroyed.
| - In early 2374, Arturis' people were assimilated by the Borg after centuries of successful resistance. Arturis was one of only 20,000 people who escaped the Borg and was lucky to have his own ship. He blamed the crew of the starship USS Voyager, in particular Captain Kathryn Janeway, for his species' defeat at the hand of the Borg after the Voyager crew had aided the Borg in their fight against Species 8472. As such, he decided to exact revenge on them, believing that his species could have been saved if Species 8472 had been allowed to destroy the Collective, regarding the Borg as simply a "force of nature" that could only be avoided rather than fought or destroyed. After months of searching, he found and tracked Voyager. He traveled for several months, learning all he could about the ship and crew, and was even able to learn about the Starfleet message that had been sent to Voyager. Using the Starfleet message, he devised a trap using particle synthesis technology to recreate the appearance of a Starfleet vessel on his own ship. Then, after making contact with Voyager by helping Tom Paris and Neelix communicate with traders at a colony, he planted evidence in the Starfleet message he claimed to have decrypted which lured the crew to his ship, making them think that it was the USS Dauntless, a ship sent by Starfleet to the Delta Quadrant that would bring them home using a quantum slipstream drive. Initially, his deception was successful, but his plans began to unravel when the crew spent some time analyzing Dauntless rather than simply seizing the opportunity without analyzing the ship in depth as he had hoped they would. The plan was further jeopardized when Seven of Nine decrypted another fragment from the actual Starfleet message – which explicitly stated that the best they could do was offer updated star charts of the region – and Janeway accompanied a team to try and apprehend Arturis. He escaped, however, capturing Janeway and Seven before he set his ship to return to his homeworld, now in Borg space, so that they would be assimilated as punishment. He was unsuccessful in this as well, as they were able to escape thanks to Voyager managing to simulate the slipstream drive and follow the Dauntless. Thus, his plan backfired on him; his ship continued on towards Borg space, he being unable to change its course after destroying the navigational controls to prevent Janeway and Seven from doing so. On arrival in Borg space, it was captured by the Borg and Arturis was presumed to have been assimilated. (VOY: "Hope and Fear") Arturis and his slipstream drive were among the failed attempts to get back to the Alpha Quadrant Tom Paris mentioned to Harry Kim in 2377. (VOY: "Inside Man")