Metal Meltdown is the twenty-ninth episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. It first aired in the United States on March 05, 2016 on Cartoon Network.
Metal Meltdown - третья серия второго сезона мультсериала «Трансформеры: Роботы под прикрытием».
Metal Meltdown is the twenty-ninth episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. It first aired in the United States on March 05, 2016 on Cartoon Network.
Metal Meltdown - третья серия второго сезона мультсериала «Трансформеры: Роботы под прикрытием».
Metal Meltdown is the twenty-ninth episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. It first aired in the United States on March 05, 2016 on Cartoon Network.