| - Guardians of Armadyl are NPCs encountered during the Temple of Ikov quest. The player is given a choice between helping them protect the Staff of Armadyl by killing Lucien, or stealing the Staff of Armadyl from them, which is likely to involve killing them. They worship the god Armadyl. They will be hostile to attempts to interact with them from players with a Pendant of Lucien equipped. If you choose to side with them, they will give you a Pendant of Armadyl.
- To reach the Guardians of Armadyl, players can use a Shiny key to unlock the door to the shed on the northern edge of McGrubor's Wood, climb down the ladder to the Temple of Ikov dungeon, and then run west to the Guardian's headquarters. If players do not have one, they must proceed through the dungeon starting from its entrance north of Ardougne. In order to access the dungeon, players must be wearing the Pendant of Lucien, which Lucien (or the Local Thug) will provide freely.
- Guardians of Armadyl are found only in the Temple of Ikov. If players wish to claim the Staff of armadyl, they must defeat all of the guardians in the room. Players can also talk to or kill a Guardian to obtain an Armadyl pendant if they lose theirs. Strangely, the symbol in the guardians of Armadyl's platebody is not the symbol of Armadyl, but of Saradomin. This could just be a mistake by Jagex, or this could simply imply that Armadyl and Saradomin are allies in the god realm, which is unlike the relationships of the other gods (such as the clear hatred, and even fear, between Zaros and Zamorak).
- To reach the Guardians of Armadyl, players can use a Shiny key to unlock the door to the shed on the Northern edge of McGrubor's Wood, climb down the ladder to the Temple of Ikov dungeon, and then run west to the Guardian's headquarters. If players do not have one, they must proceed through the dungeon starting from its entrance North of Ardougne. In order to access the dungeon, players must be wearing the Pendant of Lucien, which Lucien (or the Local Thug) will provide freely.
- De organisatie is waarschijnlijk opgericht door Armadyl. Nadat de Staff of Armadyl, terug in de handen van Armadyl kwam kregen ze de taak om de staf te bewaken. Aan het einde van de Second Age, stal de generaal van Zaros de staf, om zijn goddelijke krachten te krijgen, waardoor hij, Zaros macht kon overnemen. Het is onbekend hoe de staf in de handen van de guardians terecht is gekomen. Ze verborgen zich in de Temple of Ikov, diep onder de grond, onder Hemenster. Ze kregen de opdracht om iedereen, die de kamer binnen kwam, te vernietigen. In de Armadyl communiqué staat het volgende vermeldt: