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- See town for a list of town amenities.
- Shanghai es una de las ciudades más importantes de China, en Asia.
- Shanghai is a city of over 19,000,000 people in east-central China.
- Shanghai is the largest city by population in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the largest city proper by population in the world. It is one of the four province-level municipalities of the PRC, with a total population of over 23 million as of 2010. It is a global city, with influence in commerce, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology, and transport. It is a major financial center[9] and the busiest container port in the world.
- Shanghai é uma das bonecas de Alice Margatroid. Ela aparece mais que a Hourai. Shanghai aparece em uma das Spell Card maldição "Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls" (spell cards 041, 042, e 043 de Perfect Cherry Blossom). Categoria:Personagens
- Shanghai is a commie city in battle with Jackie Chan and his Knights.
- Bun-bun defeats Captain Donaly and learns of a mysterious map.
- Shanghai is a largest city in China.
- Shanghai has a need for raw materials, especially rarer extragalactic varieties. The less likely a material is to be found on Earth, the more valuable it will be on the commodities market in Shanghai; think Vanduul kan ores, thermacrete, isometal and the like. There is a bustling black market in the city, unlike any found in Earth’s other major ports: if you’re on the hunt for illegal cyborg upgrades, try Shanghai first.
- Die Hafenstadt Shanghai (上海) ist die bedeutendste Industriestadt der Volksrepublik China. Das gesamte Verwaltungsgebiet Shanghais hat 19,2 Millionen Einwohner (Jahresende 2009). Davon sind 13,7 Millionen registrierte Bewohner mit ständigem Wohnsitz (户口) und 5,2 Millionen temporäre Einwohner (流动人口) mit befristeter Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (暂住证). Wird die Kernstadt (hohe Bebauungsdichte und geschlossene Ortsform) als Grundlage genommen, leben in Shanghai 13,9 Millionen Menschen (2008). Der Ballungsraum (einschließlich Vororte) hat 17,8 Millionen Einwohner (2009).
- Following the War of Retribution, the Greater German Reich wiped out the Jews who had relocated to Shanghai and Harbin.
- In Godzilla: Final Wars gelangt Anguirus, welcher unter der Kontrolle der Xiliens steht, nach Shanghai und greift die Stadt an. Kurz darauf kämpft er dort gegen ein Kampfraumschiff der Earth Defense Force und wird noch während des Kampfes von den Xiliens wegteleportiert. Später wird er von den Xiliens wieder dorthin teleportiert, um die Stadt vollkommen zu verwüsten. Kategorie:Reale Orte
- In 2008 Coldfire Construction put up a reactor in Peking. This was causing a massive los of power in Peking which was spreading south towards Kunming and Shanghai. (TV: Revenge of the Slitheen)
- For the comic book series issue of the same name, see Shanghai (issue). Information Location Use(s) Owner(s) Source Shanghai is the largest city of the People's Republic of China by population, and the largest city proper by population in the world. Oliver Queen once traveled to this city.
- Shanghai is a city in China, and the setting for the events that saw an ancient evil being's return to Earth.
- In 1932, seven women were knifed to death here by the Redjac entity. The murders remained unsolved until 2267. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" )
- Shanghai is one of the major metropolitan areas of China, located on the Pacific Ocean. In the early twentieth century, it was a major center of commerce, industry, finance, culture and politics, as it was a treaty port, with some of its land ceded to the colonial powers of Europe, America and Japan for trade. Many foreign nationals made Shanghai their home. By the 1930s, organized crime also had a strong base in the city. Key points of interest in Shanghai during the adventures of Indiana Jones include the Club Obi Wan, a nightclub frequented by Lao Che.
- Shanghai (上海)
* Shanghai I (1932) - by Hiroshi Innami
* Shanghai II (1932) - by Minoru Murata
* Shanghai (1938) (上海) non-Japanse films:
* Shanghai (1911) - an Italian film
* Shanghai (1919) - an UK film
* Shanghai (1935) - an USA film
* Shanghai (2010) - an USA film
- Shanghai est une ville située sur la côte de la Chine, sur la jetée du Yangtze.
- It is destroyed when Dehuai manages to summon the Seraphic Radience using the reverse Demon's Gate Invocation.
- Shanghai is the largest city by population in China.
- Shanghai is a port town in the People's Republic of China. After travelling by boat from Japan in the TMNT Adventures comic books, the turtles, Splinter and Ninjara arrive there.
- Beim Shanghai handelt es sich um eine Haiart, die im Pazifischen Ozean vor der Küste Chinas beheimatet ist. Nachdem ihn bisher noch niemand in natura zu Gesicht bekommen hat, gehen Meereskundler davon aus, dass er gemäß der Darwin'schen Abstammungslehre mit Nessie, dem Ungeheuer von Loch Ness, verwandt sein muss.
- Shanghai is the largest city in the People's Republic of China. It is a PRC municipality.
- A city of eastern China at the mouth of the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) southeast of Nanjing. The largest city in the country, Shanghai was opened to foreign trade by the Treaty of Nanking (1842) and quickly prospered. France, Great Britain, and the United States all held large concessions in the city until the early 20th century. Shanghai is located in Jiangsu province but is administered as a separate governmental unit. Population: 12,700,000.
- Shanghai is the fifth solo campaign level in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Undercover NSA agent Sam Fisher accompanies Emile Dufraisne to the Jin Mao Hotel in Shanghai, China to steal important documents from Dr. Aswat while Emile and Carson Moss meet with the doctor to discuss the purchase of Red Mercury.
- Shanghai ist eine chinesische Stadt auf dem Kontinent Asien auf der Erde. 1932 werden in Shanghai sieben Frauen grausam von einem unbekannten Täter ermordet. Erst 2267 wird der Mörder als Redjac identifiziert. (TOS: )
- Overseas Chinese come back to China and look out of place and cause fights with whities as often as possible, yet look down on local Chinese. There is no higher power than the foreign-born Chinese, according to the behaviour of foreign-born Chinese in Shanghai.
- Shanghai est une ville de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Shanghai (Chinese: 上海) is a city located on the coast of China, and sits at the mouth of the Yangtze river.
- Shanghaiday.png|Shanghai at daytime Shanghainight.png|Shanghai at night Shanghai is a city in , in . It has a population of 10 Million people and it is a .
- Shanghai dolls are the most known dolls of Alice Margatroid. All canon non-game sources highlighted this one series of dolls as the mainstream. They are unable to act without connection to Alice but they are probably semi-autonomous (can act by verbal orders). They are quite resilent for their size (their height is around 25-30 cm) and can be used to channel the puppeteer's magic.
- Add links to other sites here
* City guide for Shanghai
* Shanghai Review
* Shanghai tourist attractions and maps
* Information on Shanghai travel and flights
- Port city in China, in which Jama worked corporate security for Dragon Motors until the Collapse in 2209. It is possible that the city serves as headquarters for the company.
- Shanghai was a city-port on the east coast of China. A maritime capital, it was one of the major trading ports on the Pacific Ocean.
- Shanghai was a city in China. When Chinese agents captured Jack Bauer at the end of Day 5, he was put onto a freighter bound for Shanghai. ("Day 5: 6:00am-7:00am")
- thumb|250px|Bilder von Shanghai (Quelle: Wikipedia)Shanghai ("Hinaus auf's Meer") ist eine ostchinesische Stadt mit ca. 17 Mio. Einwohnern und kommt in Die erneute Rache des Dr. Seltsam, Operation: Mondeinhorn Apokalypse und Die Pinguine aus Madagascar (der Film) vor. In Die erneute Rache des Dr. Seltsam stellt Lars Skipper eine Falle und lockt ihn zu einem Steg, wo Dr. Seltsam Skipper seinen Verstand raubt. In Operation Mondeinhorn Apokalypse taucht Shanghai kurz auf, als Kutchikukan allen Mondeinhörner der Welt (auch in Paris) befiehlt, Menschen anzugreifen. Im Film reisen Die Pinguine zum Meeresaquarium, um Dave zu schnappen, leider wird Private dabei entführt und Dave kann entkommen.
- A shanghai or shanghai point was given to a crew when one of its members subscribed or bought doubloons for the first time. They were replaced by rogue marks in release 2011-05-25, eventually being removed completely on June 22nd, 2011. For any crew that had shanghais remaining on that date, the captain of the crew was given three rogue marks for every shanghai remaining - if the crew had no captain, the rogue marks were split evenly between all pirates who held the highest rank in the crew.
- Shanghai is the largest city by population in the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the largest city proper by population in the world. It is one of the four province-level municipalities of the PRC, with a total population of over 23 million as of 2010. It is a global city, with influence in commerce, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology, and transport. It is a major financial center and the busiest container port in the world.
- Shanghai is the setting of killer7's epilogue, which takes place 100 years after the events of Target06: Lion and during the second credits roll, right before the name of SUDA 51. In spite of this, the Shanghai depicted appears to have only the early 21st century technology level displayed in the rest of the game. The gameplay section here lasts only a few seconds, requiring the player, as Harman Smith, to shoot Kun Lan's God Hand with the former's high-powered rifle, which will merely result in Kun Lan catching the bullet and being carried several hundred meters, performing the exact same animation as the end of Target00: Angel. Harman asks "Are you awake from your nightmare?", and Kun Lan then utters the final words of the game, "Harman, the world won't change - all it does is turn. Now.
- One of the most popular vegetarian restaurants in Shanghai is Jujube Tree. Among westerners, it is also known by its uninspiring English name Vegetarian Lifestyle; you can read a review here. The restaurant features a traditional vegetarian Chinese menu with some simulated meats made to resemble pork, beef, duck, etc. Eggs are not used in preparation, but gluten is often used as a substitute, and there is rice. If you wish to avoid gluten, then you should ask your hostess what dishes you should avoid.
- Shanghai es le plus populed citie de China et un de les plus populed de le munde con plus de 20 millions de habitantes. Es situed en China oriental, en le delta dele rivere Yangtse, en le centre de le costa de le Mare de China Oriental et es administred a le maxime nivel con le categorie de Municipalitie sub central jurisdiction. Administrativement, Shanghai es un de le quatre municipalities de le Popular Chinese Republik, administred directement per le central goverment de le pais. Shanghai es le economik capital de China et ocupe un superficie de 6.340 km².
- Shanghai, le plus grand spatioport d’Asie, est resté plus proche de l’environnement que les gigantesques centres urbains de Moscou ou New York. Même s’il s’agit d’une métropole grouillante d’activité, Shanghai est votre meilleure chance de voir un peu de verdure ou d’eau naturelle. Shanghai dispose de lignes de transport qui s’étendent jusqu’à la mer de Chine orientale située à proximité, une région portuaire où les plus gros vaisseaux peuvent s’amarrer. L’usine chinoise d’Aegis assemble les corvettes de classe Idris et les soumet ensuite à des tests atmosphériques dans le secteur.
- Shanghai (Chinese:上海) is a city in China. It was originally a fishing and textiles, though it by 19th century became a very important as a port and in 1842 was opened to international trade. Though in 1949, after Communist Party took root in China, Shanghai's international influence declined. Though, despite this, it remains one of a popular tourist places today. Other Shanghai can be found in: