| - Consigliere (suom. Neuvonantaja) on vanha mafia-arvo, joka on Mafia-hierarkiassa toisiksi isoin arvo, joten se on myös todella arvostettu. Arvon voi henkilö saada vain Don:in päätöksestä. Mafian hierarkiassa voi olla vain yksi Consigliere. Consigliere toimii perheen neuvonantajana ja päättää perheen asioista Donin ollessa poissa tai kyvytön päätöksiin. Habbossa jokaisesta "Mafiaperheestä" löytyy Consigliere.
- Il Consigliere (o Consigliori) è il più influente personaggio di una Famiglia, secondo solo al Don. I suoi compiti sono delicatissimi, e richiedono notevoli abilità diplomatiche. Il Consigliere è il raccordo tra il Padrino e i suoi Caporegime, che a loro volta girano gli ordini ai propri Soldati. Si tratta di un sistema studiato per impedire che qualsiasi atto compromettente possa essere attribuito direttamente al Don. E' al Consigliere che spettano le mansioni più "burocratiche" della Famiglia: ottenere documenti falsi, tessere reti di corruzione, svelare complotti a danno della propria parte, e organizzarne altri contro le Famiglie rivali, acquisire tutte le informazioni relative ai possibili affari della Famiglia, gestire (indirettamente)i contatti "coltivati" tramite bustarelle.
- Consigliere (ulat. doradca) - doradca i prawa ręka Matki Chrzestnej, głowy rodziny scyllijskiej. Jego głównym zadaniem jest prowadzenie legalnych interesów, podliczanie zysków oraz doradztwo Matce Chrzestnej, zwłaszcza w w sprawach finansowych. Wedle tradycji consigliere może zostać tylko rodowity Scyllijczyk. Kategoria:Przestępczość zorganizowana
- Consigliere is the Italian term for an adviser or counsellor. It is derived from the Latin consiliarius, from consilium, "advice." Some compound forms: Consigliere entered the popular English lexicon through Mario Puzo's Godfather novel and the subsequent films made from them. In these portrayals, the consigliere is an adviser or counselor to a mafia boss, with the additional responsibility of representing the Don in important meetings within the Don's crime family or with other crime families. The consigliere is a close, trusted friend and confidant. It is reputed that in Cosa Nostra, a consigliere is not simply an adviser; he may be the second highest ranking member of a family, second only to the Don -- in some aspects, he is seen as the Don's right-hand man. As in many royal courts in
- Consigliere (Adviser) is an important position in a crime family. Considered as the third-most valuable position next to the Don, all of the Don's orders usually come through the Consigliere, although he holds no actual power. The Consigliere is the only one in a family who knows all of the Don's contacts and secrets, and if made to talk, could bring an entire family to ruin. However, there is neither a future nor potential for profit in this, and so long as he keeps the faith, he and his family will continue to collect his rather substantial wages whether he is imprisoned or dead.
- The Consigliere is an adviser to the boss in a Mafia crime family and sometimes seen as his "right-hand man". Considered as the third most valuable position next to the don, all of the don's orders usually come through the consigliere, although he holds no actual power. They are often low profile gangsters that can be trusted.
- Durante il XXIII secolo si potevano trovare a bordo delle navi stellari degli psichiatri qualificati. (TOS: "Oltre la galassia", "Trasmissione di pensiero") A volte, comunque, i ruoli dell'ufficiale medico capo e quello del consigliere erano rivestiti da una sola persona nel XXIII secolo, poiché alcuni ufficiali medici avevano anche una specializzazione in psichiatria spaziale, come il dottor Leonard McCoy.
- The Consigliere (also known as Consigliori) is an advisor to the family and sometimes seen as the Boss's "right-hand man". They are used as a mediator of disputes, representatives or aides in meetings with other families. In practice the consigliere is normally the third ranking member of the administration of a family and was traditionally a senior member familiar with how the organization is run. They are also often the liaison between the Don and important figures, such as politicians or Judges. A Boss will often appoint someone close to him who they trust as their consigliere.
- The man grew up in the town as an average kid with an average childhood and an average education. The same monotonous routine of his daily life was simple day after day until he decided on a goal to finally strive for. He decided to become a private investigator like on the detective shows his parents would occasionally watch. In his young adult years he had followed around a man he revered as the best investigator in town who had subdued numerous criminals and psychopaths in his career. By following the investigator, he slowly built up a well of knowledge in how to properly find information and people's secrets. The man rose to the top in popularity as an outstanding detective resolving many cases over his young adult career. At the age of 31, he chose to test himself by attempting to inv