| - Hip-hop - miejska kultura, a także gatunek muzyczny. W skład hip hopu, wchodz;: DJing, MCing, Graffiti, B-Boying.
- Hip hop is a musical and cultural genre/movement closely related to New York City. Scratching and other turntablism was born in early hip hop culture, stemming from the 1970s to today.
- Hip Hop is a Loop theme. These are the Loops in this theme:
- thumb|right|272px Hip Hop is a modern day music culture developed in The Bronx, New York City in the 70’s. Ever since then hip hop culture has spread worldwide. There are four main elements in Hip Hop: rapping, break dancing, DJing and graffiti writing. Additional elements include Beatboxing, slang and fashion. Hip Hop music is sometimes used to express the artist’s opinion on social, political and personal issues. Rapping plays a major role in hip hop culture, as it is a major popularity and financial driver.*NOTE the videos in this article do not reflect the personal opinion of me or the wiki in genreal...just sayin'.
- Hip-Hop is fascinated by the Earth G-Funk era and Gangster styles. Normally laid back and easy going, he can become very ugly when someone starts "Front'n". In robot mode he carries a gauss shotgun and 20mm autopistol to deal with his enemies. In vehicle mode he sports 17 switches in a bright purple Chevy Impalla, and can frequently be seen bouncing down the roadways. Entirely consumed by this Earth period, it is hard for him to say who is friend and who is foe..
- thumb El hip hop es un movimiento artístico y cultural compuesto por un amplio conglomerado de formas artísticas, originadas dentro de una subcultura marginal en el Sur del Bronx y Harlem, en la ciudad de Nueva York, entre jóvenes latinos y afroamericanos durante la década de 1970. Se caracteriza por cuatro elementos, los cuales representan las diferentes manifestaciones de la cultura: rap (oral: recitar o cantar), turntablism o "DJing" (auditiva o musical), breaking (físico: baile) y graffiti (visual: pintura).
- Later his widow, Sheila, would recall the occasion on which a listener was so incesed by his advocacy of black music that they dispatched a "box of turds" by post. Like many of the broadly left persuasion, Peel was alienated by gangsta rap lyrics and their fixation with money and disdain for women and gays. However, he did favour many rap artists from the UK who were not into gangsta rap, sexism or homophobia. Additionally, at the turn of the century he embraced the UK grime scene, despite this hip hop subgenre later on becoming associated with gangsta culture.
- HIP HOP, alr aj Heep-Hope alebo aj HIP HAP HOP, riť-hop, či dokonca Hip-Hop, ďalšie časté mutácie názvu sú "Hop-Hop" prípadne "Hej-rup", ktorý čato použvajú aj robotníci pri výkone prác na 123. Hovorí sa, že tento štýl vznikol za čias opíc a cigánov. Tieto korene rozdeľujú svoj GANGSTA STAJL na, že 4 eľementy moreee.
- Hip Hop can refer to :
* , a genre of music
* , a category in FFR
- Dialogue >> Hip Hop is a contestant on the show Reality TV Island.
- Hip hop is a cultural movement built largely around the music genre of hip hop music, which developed in New York City during the 1970s primarily among African Americans and Latino Americans. Hip hop's four main elements are rapping (or MCing, from Master of Ceremonies), DJing, graffiti writing, and b-boying. Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion, hip hop slang, and recently VJing. Since first emerging in the Bronx and Harlem, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world.
- Der Hip Hop (deutsch: Hüpf-Hopf) ist eine Art der Selbstdarstellung und wird meist von besonders coolen Jugendlichen im Alter von 10-20 Jahren praktiziert. Hip Hop wurde ursprünglich 1546 von Peter Hip von Hoppen mit der Idee geschaffen, sein Volk mithilfe des Einflusses von rhythmischem Sprechgesang zu Kriegen anzustacheln! Heute wird diese alte Idee oft falsch verstanden, woraus so genannte Gangsta-Rapper ("Aufmucker" oder "Checker") entstehen. Vor allem Jugendliche stehen unter dem Einfluss dieser oft aggressiven Selbstdarstellung!
- Hip hop is a popular music genre consistent of rapping, breakbeats created with drum machines, bass, and in its most common forms, synthesizer effects. Electronic subgenres include Dirty South, crunk, electro rap, trip hop, acid rap, bounce and hip house. Hip hop, however, is highly versatile and is often mixed with R&B, funk, soul, jazz, pop, rock and metal. Hip hop has spread around the world and now has scenes in near every country.
- Snoop Dogg documents for Discovery Channel. In the newest Hip hop news in the world of Hip hop music, renowned hiphop tremendous star Snoop Dogg has recorded the concept song for “Weed Wars”, a health care marijuana show which is on account of be aired next month. The unscripted Discovery Channel show is according to the ongoing legal discussion held related to the healthcare cannabis and can characteristic theme new music which has been tapped by Snoop Dogg who himself is usually a venerable weed fanatic. The collection initial on Dec 1st, Thursday around the Discovery Channel at 10pm.
| - Hip-hop - miejska kultura, a także gatunek muzyczny. W skład hip hopu, wchodz;: DJing, MCing, Graffiti, B-Boying.
- Hip hop is a musical and cultural genre/movement closely related to New York City. Scratching and other turntablism was born in early hip hop culture, stemming from the 1970s to today.
- Hip Hop is a Loop theme. These are the Loops in this theme:
- Snoop Dogg documents for Discovery Channel. In the newest Hip hop news in the world of Hip hop music, renowned hiphop tremendous star Snoop Dogg has recorded the concept song for “Weed Wars”, a health care marijuana show which is on account of be aired next month. The unscripted Discovery Channel show is according to the ongoing legal discussion held related to the healthcare cannabis and can characteristic theme new music which has been tapped by Snoop Dogg who himself is usually a venerable weed fanatic. The plan primarily focuses around the Nation’s greatest medicinal Marijuana hospital, The Oakland’s Harborside Health Middle. The hospital serves additional than 94,000 patients, suffering from problems brought on due to the plant’s transformation, right from its germination to the harvesting and dispensation processes. Based on the Discovery channel executive Nancy Daniels, the program unearths the when regarded as to be the most unlawful and a still very controversial subject in today’s globe. Weed Wars, will take an exciting look into this exclusive environment. Similar to “Deadliest Catch” or even the “Gold Rush”, the program is about men and women chasing their own special version of American Dream. In the course of the show’s intro, the Hip hop artist is seen rapping lines like “These ain’t your neighborhood d-boys/ these are the two brothers that be combating the weed wars”. The Hip hop songs lines also involve, “I obtained to get it in my life/ 'cause it is the only thing I need/ I need to have it in my life.” The collection initial on Dec 1st, Thursday around the Discovery Channel at 10pm.
- thumb|right|272px Hip Hop is a modern day music culture developed in The Bronx, New York City in the 70’s. Ever since then hip hop culture has spread worldwide. There are four main elements in Hip Hop: rapping, break dancing, DJing and graffiti writing. Additional elements include Beatboxing, slang and fashion. Hip Hop music is sometimes used to express the artist’s opinion on social, political and personal issues. Rapping plays a major role in hip hop culture, as it is a major popularity and financial driver.*NOTE the videos in this article do not reflect the personal opinion of me or the wiki in genreal...just sayin'.
- Hip hop is a cultural movement built largely around the music genre of hip hop music, which developed in New York City during the 1970s primarily among African Americans and Latino Americans. Hip hop's four main elements are rapping (or MCing, from Master of Ceremonies), DJing, graffiti writing, and b-boying. Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion, hip hop slang, and recently VJing. Since first emerging in the Bronx and Harlem, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world. When hip hop music began to emerge, it was based around DJs who created rhythmic beats by looping breaks (smalls portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables. This was later accompanied by "rapping" (a rhythmic style of chanting). An original form of dancing, and particular styles of dress, arose among followers of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture. The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the practice in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms, with a heavy overlap between those who wrote and those who practiced other elements of the culture. Beatboxing is a mainly percussive vocal form in which various technical effects of hip hop DJs are imitated.
- Hip-Hop is fascinated by the Earth G-Funk era and Gangster styles. Normally laid back and easy going, he can become very ugly when someone starts "Front'n". In robot mode he carries a gauss shotgun and 20mm autopistol to deal with his enemies. In vehicle mode he sports 17 switches in a bright purple Chevy Impalla, and can frequently be seen bouncing down the roadways. Entirely consumed by this Earth period, it is hard for him to say who is friend and who is foe..
- thumb El hip hop es un movimiento artístico y cultural compuesto por un amplio conglomerado de formas artísticas, originadas dentro de una subcultura marginal en el Sur del Bronx y Harlem, en la ciudad de Nueva York, entre jóvenes latinos y afroamericanos durante la década de 1970. Se caracteriza por cuatro elementos, los cuales representan las diferentes manifestaciones de la cultura: rap (oral: recitar o cantar), turntablism o "DJing" (auditiva o musical), breaking (físico: baile) y graffiti (visual: pintura).
- Later his widow, Sheila, would recall the occasion on which a listener was so incesed by his advocacy of black music that they dispatched a "box of turds" by post. Like many of the broadly left persuasion, Peel was alienated by gangsta rap lyrics and their fixation with money and disdain for women and gays. However, he did favour many rap artists from the UK who were not into gangsta rap, sexism or homophobia. Additionally, at the turn of the century he embraced the UK grime scene, despite this hip hop subgenre later on becoming associated with gangsta culture.
- HIP HOP, alr aj Heep-Hope alebo aj HIP HAP HOP, riť-hop, či dokonca Hip-Hop, ďalšie časté mutácie názvu sú "Hop-Hop" prípadne "Hej-rup", ktorý čato použvajú aj robotníci pri výkone prác na 123. Hovorí sa, že tento štýl vznikol za čias opíc a cigánov. Tieto korene rozdeľujú svoj GANGSTA STAJL na, že 4 eľementy moreee.
- Der Hip Hop (deutsch: Hüpf-Hopf) ist eine Art der Selbstdarstellung und wird meist von besonders coolen Jugendlichen im Alter von 10-20 Jahren praktiziert. Hip Hop wurde ursprünglich 1546 von Peter Hip von Hoppen mit der Idee geschaffen, sein Volk mithilfe des Einflusses von rhythmischem Sprechgesang zu Kriegen anzustacheln! Heute wird diese alte Idee oft falsch verstanden, woraus so genannte Gangsta-Rapper ("Aufmucker" oder "Checker") entstehen. Vor allem Jugendliche stehen unter dem Einfluss dieser oft aggressiven Selbstdarstellung! Musikalisch bezeichnet Hip Hop einen Ende der 70er Jahre entstehenden Stil, der aus Jazz, Blues, Ska, Schlager, Marsch, Folklore und Punk hervorgeht und sich im beginnenden 3. Jahrtausend mit Reggae vermischte. Hip Hop ist ein ausschließlich weißer Musikstil. Der einzige Schwarze, der sich auf dem hart umkämpften Markt durchsetzen konnte ist Eminem, der vielleicht gerade deshalb als "King Of Hip Hop" bezeichnet wird. (Vergleiche King Of Pop Michael Jackson, der als einzige weiße Person erfolgreich Popmusik macht.) Den Anfang dieser Musikrichtung machten Künstler wie Andrea Berg oder Britney Spears; der Populärste von allen jedoch ist noch Jürgen von der Lippe. Medizinisch versteht man unter Hip Hop (kurz für: hippolitis hopakus) einen höchst ansteckenden Virus, der zur Gruppe der Musikviren gezählt wird. Bei der Frage, wie Hip Hop entstehen konnte, sind sich die Wissenschaftler noch uneins. Manche nehmen an, dass die Seuche eine Entwicklung der USA war, mit der feindliche Staaten noch effizienter ausgelöscht werden sollten. Die amerikanischen Erfinder wurden aber selber befallen und verbreiteten den Virus über die ganze Welt. Andere Forscher halten an der Annahme fest, Hip Hop sei nur eine raffinierte, aber höchst unfaire Werbemethode für Ego-Shooter und Pornographie.
- Hip hop is a popular music genre consistent of rapping, breakbeats created with drum machines, bass, and in its most common forms, synthesizer effects. Electronic subgenres include Dirty South, crunk, electro rap, trip hop, acid rap, bounce and hip house. Hip hop, however, is highly versatile and is often mixed with R&B, funk, soul, jazz, pop, rock and metal. While hip hop was created by African Americans and Latinos, Jamaican Kool DJ Herc made a major contribution to hip hop by introducing elements of reggae and dub, prominently toasting. Hip hop was originally novelty music, with lyrics rarely meaningful, including a rap variant of the Gilligan's Island theme song. During the golden age of hip hop, however, the genre undertook many changes, with lyrics now less abstract and emphasis on rhymes and lyricism. Hip hop artists also reached major success with hip hop/pop hybrids such as "U Can't Touch This" (MC Hammer) and "Ice Ice Baby" (Vanilla Ice). Run-D.M.C. (the pioneers of hardcore rap and old school hip hop's most notable innovators) also collaborated with Aerosmith for the first popular rock/hip hop single, "Walk This Way." The single spawned the genres rapcore and nu metal. In the current hip hop scene, "hip pop" receives more airplay than most subgenres, with artists such as The Black Eyed Peas, OutKast and 50 Cent. More serious hip hop listeners typically prefer pure East and West Coast hip hop; Southern hip hop artists (such as Lil Jon, the pioneer of crunk); and underground hip hop. Hip hop is also notorious for its mature themes, which includes strong language, violence and explicit sexual themes. Eminem is among the most infamous hip hop artists, who has influenced many crimes. Many rappers also have criminal history. Artists such as Mos Def use less explicit themes, and alternatives to hip hop's violent nature include conscious and Christian hip hop. Hip hop has spread around the world and now has scenes in near every country.
- Hip Hop can refer to :
* , a genre of music
* , a category in FFR
- Dialogue >> Hip Hop is a contestant on the show Reality TV Island.