| - The Company of Shadow was an 'army' composed of some thirteen hundred orphaned Malazan children (crucifixion victims of the renegade Korbolo Dom) who had travelled with the Malazan 7th Army on its retreat to Aren during the Seven Cities rebellion. These children were trained and commanded by Minala, assisted by the Aptorian demoness, Apt (who had been instrumental in saving the children and having them healed/resurrected by Shadowthrone) and Kalam Mekhar. This Company of Shadow was then tasked by Shadowthrone with protecting the Imass First Throne from being taken over by enemies of Shadowthrone and Cotillion. "Minala seemed to have it all under control...Between her and the aptorian demoness [Apt], a certain measure of control was being maintained, a host of life skills were being [instilled]...stealth, tracking, the laying of ambushes, the setting of traps...riding, scaling walls, freezing in place, knife throwing and countless other weapon skills...The children took to such training with frightening zeal...An army in the making for Shadowthrone." ―Kalam Mekhar's description of the training by Minala and Apt of the children making up the Company of Shadow The Company of Shadow (the children properly armed and armoured) managed to resist multiple attacks by the Tiste Edur (who were determined to capture the First Throne) with the help of the T'lan Imass Onrack the Broken, Monok Ochem, Ibra Gholan, and the renegade Tiste Edur Trull Sengar - but at the price of a horrendous number of casualties/fatalities among the children 'soldiers'. "There wasn't enough time...For training. For the years needed...for them. To grow up. To live." ―Minala speaking despairingly with Cotillion about the children making up the Company of Shadow After the final disastrous (but 'successful') defense of the First Throne, Minala and the small number of surviving children of the Company of Shadow were finally brought back to the Realm of Shadow by Shadowthrone to recover there as best they could.