| - The Barrayaran Empire is a Nexus flourishing economy, representing 0.024% of global-galactic GDP. The Barrayar's GDP was estimated to be IM 105,055,358 billion as of 3002. The Barrayaran Imperial Mark is a medium-weak currency, officially used only in Barrayaran region, and sometimes by other economic players; only Barrayar and other minor powers use it as reserve currency. The Imperium of Barrayar has a mixed economy (also due to the heavy diversification of its constituent planets) and has maintained a stable medium-low overall GDP growth rate since the economic crunch of 2970s, a moderate unemployment rate, and medium levels of research and capital investment. Barrayar has significantly abundant natural resources, a well-developing infrastructure, and high productivity rates. Of the Nex
| - The Barrayaran Empire is a Nexus flourishing economy, representing 0.024% of global-galactic GDP. The Barrayar's GDP was estimated to be IM 105,055,358 billion as of 3002. The Barrayaran Imperial Mark is a medium-weak currency, officially used only in Barrayaran region, and sometimes by other economic players; only Barrayar and other minor powers use it as reserve currency. The Imperium of Barrayar has a mixed economy (also due to the heavy diversification of its constituent planets) and has maintained a stable medium-low overall GDP growth rate since the economic crunch of 2970s, a moderate unemployment rate, and medium levels of research and capital investment. Barrayar has significantly abundant natural resources, a well-developing infrastructure, and high productivity rates. Of the Nexus' 1,000 largest companies, 3 are head-quartered in the Barrayaran Empire; these are all three shipping and merchant cartels, based on Komarr. Sergyaran economic features reflect closely those of Barrayar: while the terraforming industry is a leading one, and includes several high-technology sectors, manufacturing and agriculture still struggle to develop solid roots, also because the close proximity to the well-developed Escobaran system. The Komarran economy is distinctively diverse from both Barrayaran and Sergyaran ones. It is a largely merchant economy, and shipping is by far the largest sector, although it has significant heavy industry facilities. As such, it has a very different business culture. A central feature of the Komarran economy is the economic freedom afforded to the private sector by allowing the private sector to make the majority of economic decisions in determining the direction and scale of what the economy produces. This on one hand is enhanced by relatively low levels of regulation and government involvement, as well as a court system that generally protects property rights and enforces contracts; on the other hand, the familiar concentration of the major enterprises greatly facilitates anti-competition agreements. Although not nearly at Betan levels, Komarr has actively encouraged science and innovation since its very beginnings. The labour market has attracted since 70 years highly skilled immigrants from some regions of the Nexus, although its net migration rate is quite low if compared to the Nexus' average. However, immigration is focused mainly on Komarr. The Barrayaran economy is currently in a growth phase, and unemployment rate is about 5.5%. At 67.3%, Barrayar has an high labour union participation rate. The gap in income between rich and poor is significant, but still lower than in other developed countries.