"Life. Animated." -Tagline CircleCity™ is an American adult animated comedy series which first aired on June 1, 2000 on Comedy Central. The show revolves around Lloyd Donovan, a recent college graduate who attempts to survive his newfound life in the city of CircleCity, as well as adulthood in general. Despite the show receiving positive reviews and decent ratings, it was abruptly canceled by Comedy Central in 2003, with the show ending it's run on August 27, 2004. In 2010, IAmBagel began negotiations with Typewriter Productions and Vision to allow the series to be revived. The revived series premiered on Vision on June 8, 2012.
Attributes | Values |
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| - "Life. Animated." -Tagline CircleCity™ is an American adult animated comedy series which first aired on June 1, 2000 on Comedy Central. The show revolves around Lloyd Donovan, a recent college graduate who attempts to survive his newfound life in the city of CircleCity, as well as adulthood in general. Despite the show receiving positive reviews and decent ratings, it was abruptly canceled by Comedy Central in 2003, with the show ending it's run on August 27, 2004. In 2010, IAmBagel began negotiations with Typewriter Productions and Vision to allow the series to be revived. The revived series premiered on Vision on June 8, 2012.
Ending Theme
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Audio format
| - Advantage Audio Services 8.0
- Dolby Surround 5.1
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| - Satire
- Comedy-drama
- Animated sitcom
- Adult animation
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Opening Theme
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Num episodes
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First Aired
| - 2000-06-10(xsd:date)
- 2012-06-01(xsd:date)
num seasons
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Last Aired
| - 2004-08-27(xsd:date)
- 2019-08-09(xsd:date)
Theme music composer
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Picture format
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| - Chaossy
- IAmBagel
- Ralf Hat
- Destroyer334545
- TechKon
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| - "Life. Animated." -Tagline CircleCity™ is an American adult animated comedy series which first aired on June 1, 2000 on Comedy Central. The show revolves around Lloyd Donovan, a recent college graduate who attempts to survive his newfound life in the city of CircleCity, as well as adulthood in general. Despite the show receiving positive reviews and decent ratings, it was abruptly canceled by Comedy Central in 2003, with the show ending it's run on August 27, 2004. In 2010, IAmBagel began negotiations with Typewriter Productions and Vision to allow the series to be revived. The revived series premiered on Vision on June 8, 2012.
is Series
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