| - TBA
- Lizzy[[:File:|[, ]]] is one of the many exotic animals featured at the Darkmoon Zoo Bizarre within the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island. Lizzy shares a spawn point/corral location with Felinni.
- Lizzy bezieht sich auf:
* Lizzy (Kommune), das Mädchen, das in Mikes und Jans Kommune lebt
* Lizzy (Anwältin), Susan Lloyds Rechtsanwältin, als sie über das Sorgerecht für Walt verhandeln
- Bio: Age: 16 years Loves: Ice Cream Hates: Bullies Related to: Savanna (cousin)
- Lizzy was a citizen of Rapture and the significant other of Sammy Fletcher.
- Lizzy ist ein Hut.
- Lizzy należy do komuny, do której należał również John Locke. Żartowała, że "szuka taty, jak wszyscy", na co Locke odpowiedział, że to wcale nie jest śmieszne.
- When Michael Dawson filed and injunction against Susan Lloyd-Porter to prevent her from leaving the US with her son Walt, Lizzy was hired to represent Susan in court. While asking Michael questions about Walt, Lizzy creates a false image for Michael showing him as an uncaring father who abandoned his son. The trial is avoided when Susan convinces Michael to consider what was best for Walt’s future.
- Lizzy was a travelling companion of John Norman, James Norman, and Abraham. When the group is ambushed in Eluria by the Green Folk (Slow Mutants), Lizzy is one of those who is killed.
- Lizzy has always had a lot of pent-up rage in her so it was no surprise that she turned to the more extreme types of rock. She started off as a Malmoth fan but very quickly found his music sissy and now prefers the sound of musical instruments being smashed over heads. In fact, you come and listen to her at the Red One Motel, but chances are you can never leave...
- Lizzy is Chloe's big sister. She is 14 years old. She love to playing with her sister Chloe.
- Lizzy is a character appearing in Pokémon: The Johto Journeys.
- Lizzy was a homeless woman who Phoebe regularly visited to give her food and other essentials. When Phoebe's bank account was accidentally credited with $1000, she gave it to Lizzy. It is unknown what Lizzy did with the money.
- Lizzy, labeled The Mood Swing, competed on Total Drama Isle and Total Drama Vegas.
- Lizzy pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento
* Lizzy (advogada), advogada que representou Susan Lloyd em sua batalha pela custódia de Walt com Michael;
* Lizzy (comunidade), membro da comunidade de Locke;
- Cuando After School hizo comeback con "BANG!" había una miembro de más de las que deberían ser, fue entonces que días después, se dio a conocer que Lizzy sería un miembro más del grupo. Aunque no fue una completa sorpresa, ya que anteriormente habían publicado algunas fotos, y además ella había participado en algunas presentaciones del grupo, sin embargo, utilizaba mascaras o cosas por el estilo manteniendo en secreto su rostro, cosa que le dio un aspecto bastante prometedor.
- Lizzy puede referirse a:
* Lizzy (comuna) - La chica que vivía en la comuna de Mike y Jan.
* Lizzy (abogada) - La abogada que representaba a Susan Lloyd.
- Lizzy is a female 4th grader. She made her debut in the Season Three episode, "Hooked on Monkey Fonics". She had a role in the episode "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" when she and the other girls were competing against the boys in a sledding race. Despite her apparent death at the end of "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", she has been seen in numerous cameos since then.
- Lizzy è uno degli avvocati della squadra legali di Susan Lloyd durante la causa di affidamento di Walt contro Michael. Lizzy, durante l'interrogatorio a Michael su Walt, lo provoca continuamente facendo domande la cui risposta, che reclama spesso di mettere agli atti, va sempre a vantaggio della propria cliente: prima gli chiede da quanto tempo non vede Walt; alla risposta di Michael "Circa un anno fa" lei controbatte "Quattordici mesi per l'esattezza"; poi gli domanda perché quando Susan ha portato il figlio ad Amsterdam lui non si è opposto mentre ora sì, dandogli dell'incoerente; quindi chi ha pagato le spese dell'ospedale dopo l'incidente che ha avuto (è stata Susan); infine le prime parole di Walt e il suo cibo preferito (risposte che Michael non può conoscere). Conclude poi con la fr