| - Originated 1730–40 from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Ala]] āla (“‘wing’”).
- O ala é uma das cinco posições no basquete, mais conhecida em português como posição 3 e em inglês como small forward, ou simplesmente SF. LeBron James é o jogador mais famoso dessa posição. Larry Bird, Julius Erving e Scottie Pippen são outros exemplos. Categoria:Posições
- Una Ala es uno de los tipos de Recursos que hay en el juego. Las Alas conocidas son:
* Ala de dragohuevo volador
* Ala de escarahoja azul
* Ala de escarahoja verde
* Alas de Escarajefe Dorado
- Ala was a common name among female Corellians.
- from aa "fine, good, acceptable" or ala "I say"
- Ala Tochter der Soferra war eine Ogier-Frau. Sie war die Tochter von Soferra und die Mutter von Damelle.
- French Anarchiste Liberation Army(ALA) is the first enemy organization that appears in Syphon Filter The Omega Strain.
- Ala daughter of Soferra was an Ogier woman and mother of Damelle.
- Chercher "ala" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Suur Ala is a young member of the Decenarian (Tenner) math at the Concent of Saunt Edhar, part of Erasmas' crop, and around his age. A highly competent organizer and a close friend of Suur Tulia, she is an important, if often behind-the-scenes actor of the events in Anathem.
- The appearance of an ala is diversely and often vaguely described in folklore. A given ala may look like a black wind, a gigantic creature of indistinct form, a huge-mouthed, humanlike, or snakelike monster, a female dragon, or a raven. An ala may also assume various human or animal shapes, and can even possess a person's body. It is believed that the diversity of appearances described is due to the ala's being a synthesis of a Slavic demon of bad weather and a similar demon of the central Balkans pre-Slavic population. In folk tales with a humanlike ala, her personality is similar to that of the Russian Baba Yaga. Ale are said to live in the clouds, or in a lake, spring, hidden remote place, forest, inhospitable mountain, cave, or gigantic tree. While ale are usually hostile towards human
- An ala or hala is a mythological creature recorded in the folklore of Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs. Ale are considered demons of bad weather whose main purpose is to lead hail-producing thunderclouds in the direction of fields, vineyards, or orchards to destroy the crops, or loot and take them away. Extremely voracious, ale particularly like to eat children, though their gluttony is not limited to Earth. It is believed they can try to devour the Sun or the Moon causing eclipses; her success would mean the end of the world. When people encounter an ala, their mental or physical health, or even life, are in peril; however, her favor can be gained by approaching her with respect and trust. Being in a go
- Ala or Hala is a female mythological creature recorded in the folklore of Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs. Ale are considered demons of bad weather whose main purpose is to lead hail-producing thunderclouds in the direction of fields, vineyards, or orchards to destroy the crops, or loot and take them away. Extremely voracious, ale particularly like to eat children, though their gluttony is not limited to Earth. It is believed they sometimes try devouring the Sun or the Moon, causing eclipses, and that it would mean the end of the world should they succeed. When people encounter an ala, their mental or physical health, or even life, are in peril; however, her favor can be gained by approaching her with respect and trust. Being in a good relationship with an ala is very beneficial, becau