*Chancellor Mon Mothma
*Senator Bail Organa
*Commander Ahsoka Tano
*General Jan Dodonna
*General Cham Syndulla
*General Hera Syndulla
*Ryder Azadi
*Captain Saw Gerrera†
*Commander Jun Sato†
*Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus
*Alliance Civil Government
**Alliance Cabinet
*Alliance High Command
*Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin
*Sith Lord Darth Vader
*Grand Admiral Thrawn
*Governor Arihnda Pryce
*ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus
*Admiral Kassius Konstantine†
*The Grand Inquisitor†
*Director Orson Krennic†
*Moffs, Governors and Officers of the Imperial Military
**Imperial High Command
**Imperial Security Bureau
*Uprising on Raada
*Mission to free Wookiee prisoners
*Rescue of Kanan Jarrus
*Siege of Lothal
*Battle on Garel
*Raid on the Lothal Depot
*Mission to Malachor
*Mission to Reklam Station
*Campaigns of Saw Gerrera's Partisans
*Mission to investigate Geonosis
*Skirmish in the Archeon Nebula
*Battle of Atollon
*Mission to Lothal
*Operation Fracture
*Battle of Scarif
*Rebel Alliance victory
**The early rebel movement is reorganized into the Rebel Alliance
**The Rebel Alliance learns of the existence of the Death Star
**The Rebel Alliance successfully steals the plans to the Death Star
*Imperial strategic victory
**The Death Star is successfully tested, destroying Jedha City
*Outbreak of the Galactic Civil War