| - Uma zona de proteção ou PZ (do inglês, protection zone) é uma área na qual não é possível atacar outros players com ataque físico ou runas. Somente Healing Runes podem ser usadas. Field ou attack runes não pode sem atiradas de fora para dentro e de dentro de uma PZ. Você não pode puxar um player de dentro para fora, mas de fora para dentro sim. Se você tentar atacar alguem na PZ, a seguinte mensagem será exebida: "This action is not permitted in a protection zone". Porém, você pode jogar uma runa através de uma PZ. Também, um player que estiver numa porta de uma house, e a porta for fechada, ele será puxado da PZ. (Donos e Sub-Donos podem, é claro, usar o spell "Alana Sio").
- In der Protection Zone (zu deutsch: Schutz Zone, kurz PZ genannt), kann sich ein jeder sicher fühlen. Dort kannst du dich von einer Jagd erholen, oder dich vor Gefahren schützen, die in Tibia überall auftreten können. Player, welche kürzlich einen anderen Player angegriffen haben (meist mit einem weißen oder gelben Skull versehen), können die PZ nicht betreten. Monster und Kreaturen (egal ob gespawnt, summoned oder convinced) können eine PZ ebenfalls nicht betreten. Protection Zones kannst du an folgenden Ort finden:
- A protection zone (called PZ for short) is an area where you can feel safe, rest after a long hunt and hide from any dangers lurking in the lands of Tibia. It is marked with a Within Protection Zone icon in the Status Bar. Players who recently attacked other players (marked with a white or yellow skull) cannot enter a protection zone. Monsters and creatures (spawned, summoned or convinced) and Mounts are not allowed to enter protection zones either. You can find protection zones in the following places: While you are within a protection zone there are some actions you cannot do:
| - In der Protection Zone (zu deutsch: Schutz Zone, kurz PZ genannt), kann sich ein jeder sicher fühlen. Dort kannst du dich von einer Jagd erholen, oder dich vor Gefahren schützen, die in Tibia überall auftreten können. Player, welche kürzlich einen anderen Player angegriffen haben (meist mit einem weißen oder gelben Skull versehen), können die PZ nicht betreten. Monster und Kreaturen (egal ob gespawnt, summoned oder convinced) können eine PZ ebenfalls nicht betreten. Protection Zones kannst du an folgenden Ort finden:
* Stadttempel
* Depots
* Boats, Steamships, Magic Carpet und Sea Turtles
* Swimming Pools
* Alle mietbaren Gebäude (Häuser, Wohnungen, Pyramiden, Guildhalls)
* An einigen anderen besonderen Plätzen (Druid Isle, Paradox Tower) Während du dich in einer Protection Zone befindest, gibt es einige Dinge, die du nicht tun kannst:
* Attackieren von anderen Spielern oder Monstern mit einem Nahkampf- oder Fernkampfskill.
* Nutzen von Attack- oder Field-Runen.
* Nutzen von Attack- oder Summon-Spells.
* Andere Spieler aus der PZ hinaus "pushen"
* Angeln
* Mana oder Lebensenergie regenerieren.
* Öffnen einer closed Trap Allerdings gibt es auch Dinge, die du in einer Protection Zone machen kannst. Die da wären:
* Nutzen von Healing oder Support Runen.
* Nutzen von Healing, Support oder Supply Spells.
* Sterben, wenn du vergiftet, verflucht, elektrisiert, gefroren bist, oder brennst. Jedes mal, wenn du in einer Protection Zone etwas versuchst, was dort nicht gestattet ist, erscheint eine weiße Nachricht: "Diese Aktion ist in einer Protection Zone nicht erlaubt."
- A protection zone (called PZ for short) is an area where you can feel safe, rest after a long hunt and hide from any dangers lurking in the lands of Tibia. It is marked with a Within Protection Zone icon in the Status Bar. Players who recently attacked other players (marked with a white or yellow skull) cannot enter a protection zone. Monsters and creatures (spawned, summoned or convinced) and Mounts are not allowed to enter protection zones either. Since Update 9.52 characters can now always log out in a protection zone regardless of whether or not the Logout Block is active. Even though it disappears it will still be applied to your character, which means that you will receive the battle icon again if you leave the protection zone too early. You cannot leave a party in this case but you can logout to leave it. You can find protection zones in the following places:
* Town Temples;
* Depots;
* Banks;
* Boats, Steamships, Magic Carpets, Sea Turtles, Ore Wagons;
* Swimming Zones;
* Training Schools;
* Large parts of the Duelling Arenas;
* All rentable buildings (houses, flats, pyramids and guildhalls);
* All above-ground levels of Ankrahmun pyramids;
* Many destinations of teleporters that are inside protection zones;
* Every teleport that leads to a protection zone (to avoid PvP weakness);
* All teleporters themselves;
* Some other special places (Paradox Tower, Krailos Village, the Lion's Den, teleporter deep under Razzachai, a grave on the Plains of Havoc (here), most of the Last Creep Standing area, the reward area of Devovorga's lair). While you are within a protection zone there are some actions you cannot do:
* attack any other player or monster using your melee or distance fighting skills;
* use attack or field runes;
* use attack or summon spells;
* push other players out from a protection zone;
* fish;
* regain mana or hitpoints (including regeneration from Recovery-based spells);
* open a closed trap. Even though you are within a protection zone you can do following things:
* use healing or support runes;
* use healing, support or supply spells;
* die if you were poisoned, electrified, burning, cursed, dazzled, drowning or freezing. Whenever you try to do something that is not allowed in a protection zone a white message will appear: "This action is not permitted in a protection zone". You can't enter a protection zone if you have done one of the followning things:
* attacked a player (if he is in a party with you, both can enter the protection zone);
* attacked a skulled player that hadn't attacked you;
* used a field rune;
* used a Desintegrate Rune.
- Uma zona de proteção ou PZ (do inglês, protection zone) é uma área na qual não é possível atacar outros players com ataque físico ou runas. Somente Healing Runes podem ser usadas. Field ou attack runes não pode sem atiradas de fora para dentro e de dentro de uma PZ. Você não pode puxar um player de dentro para fora, mas de fora para dentro sim. Se você tentar atacar alguem na PZ, a seguinte mensagem será exebida: "This action is not permitted in a protection zone". Porém, você pode jogar uma runa através de uma PZ. Também, um player que estiver numa porta de uma house, e a porta for fechada, ele será puxado da PZ. (Donos e Sub-Donos podem, é claro, usar o spell "Alana Sio"). PZs típicas são templos, depots, barcos, tapetes mágicos e casas. Tembém, toda a Paradox Tower e todas as turtles no mar estão numa PZ. Você não pode entrar numa PZ caso você tenha atacado outro player recentemente (tendo uma white skull white ou yellow skull). Você não irá regenerar HP ou MP numa PZ, a não ser que você durma numa cama, se você tiver uma Premium Account. Monstros não podem entrar numa PZ e traps fechadas não abrirão.