| - Es la abuela de Lumina. Vive con ella y con Sebastian en una mansión. Le gusta coleccionar cuadros de Jeff. Está empeñada en enseñarle a Lumina como ser una auténtica señorita, y le da clases de piano por las mañanas. Pero Lumina tiene otros planes Su cumpleaños es el 2 de primavera.
- Romana is spoken on an island in the north Atlantic. It has three major dialects: Goleda, Orleuin, and Ceudui.
- Romanadvoratrelundar (appelée Romana) est une Dame du temps chargée d'assister le Docteur dans sa quête de la Clé du Temps. Elle est restée avec lui longtemps après que la tâche ait été accomplie et s'est séparée de lui dans Exo-Space. Plus tard, elle est devenue la Présidente des Seigneurs du Temps de Gallifrey.
- But which of her regenerations were you interested in?
* Romana 1?
* Romana 2?
* Romana 3?
- Before, Romana was an adorable, well-mannered, angelic child with a natural gift for wind instruments. But then she met a mysterious Pillz seller who opened eyes to her intensely boring existence. In fact, she'd always longed to do the exact opposite of what she'd been told and ever since that fateful meeting has insisted on doing just that. So she left Clint City, cut her skirts short, dyed her hair, played post-rock on the clarinet and went out with the most unlikely oddballs. And now she's back from her trip around the world, who knows what surprises she has in store for those unlucky people who cross her path…
- Romanadvoratrelundar seemed to be a single, long name when she introduced herself to the Fourth Doctor. He seemed to have trouble pronouncing the full name, and quickly shortened it to "Romana", though given the choice of being called "Romana" or "Fred" she told him to call her "Fred". (TV: The Ribos Operation) The Doctor later called her "Miss Dvoratrelundar" when she was a witness during his trial before the Megara. (TV: The Stones of Blood)
- Romana was a great ideal server all the time.Now it has been deleted for reasons I don't know why. It was great for meeting friends and such great for invasions some people barely see it quiet. It was the only R server until it got deleted. Now there are no more R servers.
- La civilización romana aparece en:
* Romana (I)
* Romana (II)
* Romana (III)
* Romana (IV)
* Romana (V)
- Geburtstag: 2. Frühling Sie lebt in der großen Villa des Dorfes. Sie versucht auch, Lumina zu unterrichten, wie man eine korrekte, altmodische Dame ist, aber Lumina hat ihre eigenen Ideen. Sie mag: +9 FP: Wilde Traube, Traube, Moondrop Blume, Spielzeug-Blume, Pinkcat Blume, blaue Magicgrass Blume, rote Magicgrass Blume, Milch, Duftstoff, Diamant, rosafarbener Diamant, Reis-Kuchen Heiße Milch, Brei, Relaxtea, brät Reis-Kuchen, Apfelkuchen, Traubensaft, Erdbeere-Milch, Eiscreme, Relaxtea Blätter
- Romanadvoratrelundar, kurz Romana, ist eine Time Lady, die dem Vierten Doctor in der Episode The Ribos Operation als Begleiterin zugeteilt wird, um die verschollenen Fragmente des Schlüssels der Zeit zu finden. Romana ist eine hochangesehene Absolventin der Akademie von Gallifrey und dem entsprechend von sich und ihren Fähigkeiten überzeugt. Sie hat versierte Kenntnisse in allen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Fächern. Während ihrer Zeit an der Seite des Doctors durchlebt sie zwei Inkarnationen:
* Romana I und
* Romana II.