| - This wall is for users who are great friends of other users! They have proven themselves to be a wonderful friend! Please Only ask to be up here if you feel that you are worthy to be on this wall. Here are a few ways you can get on the wall: Welcome new Users often, Be kind to others, help others, stay out of fights.
* Hat Pop out of all the people, is one of the nicest users on the wiki. She deserves to stay on this wall for months to come!
* Bluehero is honest and loyal to many users. He doesn't only help his friends but he helps others as well.
* Spider880 is one of those users who forgives and forgets!
* Barkjon, the top webmaster, is a wonderful friend to many people. He treats everyone with respect and is never rude.
* TurtleShroom, former webmaster and dictator, has proven himself as a wonderful friend. He does not hate anyone, not even vandals. He may dislike vandals but he never hates. That is what a true friend does.
* Yorkielvr333CP has quit a few times, but has came back! She cares about her friends and that is what matters most!
* Ced1214 is a wonderful friend! He is loyal and trustworthy! He respects all his friends like good friends do!
* Sharkbate is a great friend! He may have quit 19 times, but always came back for his friends. Also, his overall friendliness makes the My English Wiki a great place to be.
* Seahorseruler is a fair user who never cheats or lies to his friends! True friends trust in others, which is what Seahorseruler does!
* Ratonbat is one of the oldest users here! He respects others and tells the truth!
* Hal Homsar Solo has proven her loyalty as a great friend when she first joined!
* Code1125 equals a wonderful a friend! He is nice to everybody!
* Gsnap is a user that many do not know, but his kindness and generosity to others truly stands out.
* Pingali Moi is a wonderful user! She is not rude and is kind to almost everyone!
* Alxeedo111 has shown how much of a great user and friend he is. He has made so many friends since he made his account!
* Europea is a new user of the wiki, but has showed kindness in every way.
* Dancing Penguin is a kind user who likes to help others.