| - We are seeking ACTIVE members that play daily, and that will interact with the great group we have already! We do have stat requirements for the moment, so be sure to have your stats handy when you message. Thanks, enjoy the group and we wish all of you the best of luck with your game!! Best regards, ☠RnЯ☠ Admin, officers, and most importantly the members! PRESS HERE TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION MAFIA WARS ☠RnЯ☠ STYLE!!! FIGHTING, LEVELING, AND LOOTING ARE OUR GAME!!! ☠RnЯ☠ IS RECRUITING ACTIVE PLAYERS.....NO LEECHES ALLOWED!!! fill out this form and we will be in touch:
* FUN***
| - We are seeking ACTIVE members that play daily, and that will interact with the great group we have already! We do have stat requirements for the moment, so be sure to have your stats handy when you message. Thanks, enjoy the group and we wish all of you the best of luck with your game!! Best regards, ☠RnЯ☠ Admin, officers, and most importantly the members! PRESS HERE TO FILL OUT AN APPLICATION MAFIA WARS ☠RnЯ☠ STYLE!!! FIGHTING, LEVELING, AND LOOTING ARE OUR GAME!!! ☠RnЯ☠ IS RECRUITING ACTIVE PLAYERS.....NO LEECHES ALLOWED!!! fill out this form and we will be in touch:
* FUN*** First and foremost, ENJOY the game!!! If you are not enjoying the game, please ask for help!***
* REPRESENTING ☠RnЯ☠*** You and Your Playing Style represent ☠RnЯ☠. Please remember, that in order to keep our high level of respect that we are gaining within the MW community, we ask you to follow these simple rules. Also remember, this is only a game, and it is meant to be fun, so don't take it so seriously or personal.***
* SUCKER PUNCHES*** Sucker Punches to other ☠RnЯ☠ are how we say hello here, kind of like a high five (^5). If you are punched by a ☠RnЯ☠ member, just smile and punch right back!!! :D OK ---> Attack until there's no button left! OK ---> Rob until the properties are closed! OK ---> Devour the hitlist! NOT OK---> Bookmarking players or retaining links, UNLESS we are at war. NOT OK---> Hitlisting. Only makes your opponent stronger. NOT OK---> Suicide/Kamikaze runs. Only makes your opponent stronger.
* RESPECT*** ALWAYS treat each other with RESPECT and as you would wish to be treated. OK---> "Taunting" an opponent or fellow clan members. (PLEASE, light banter and funny only. Do not be abrasive in any way.) NOT OK--->Whining! We all have bad days and that is understandable. If you need, help ask for it, understanding that if we are able, as a family we will do our best to resolve any issues you may have.
* COMMUNICATION*** An important part of ☠RnЯ☠ being a successful, strong, respected clan is COMMUNICATION! Talk to one another! If there's a problem, try to resolve it, or take it to an officer or admin to mediate. Please do not make it an issue for everyone to have to cope with. :)
* PLEASE BE A TEAM PLAYER AND STAY ACTIVE!*** No lurkers! Please post when you are on, let us know you stopped by! Also, if you plan to be gone for a week or more, please let us know. If we don't hear from you for a week or two, it's not good....we want active players. ;) ☠RnЯ☠ APPLICATION