| - Welcome to your free trial version of Internet Explorer. Feel free to explore your Explorer (hee hee) and otherwise let the subliminal messages do all the work. As with our other worst products, you can quit the free trial any time you want by navigating your way through our unnecessarily complicated website, but remember that after thirty days, your money is ours. Have a good day, and remember: an Apple a day keeps the cancer nearby. Just look at Steve Jobs.
- Internet Explorer je ultra rýchly, špičkový, svižný, stabilný, bezpečný internetový browser (prehliadač) <-- toto si myslí len Mrkvosoft a BFU uživeteľ, ale v skutočnosti je to spomalený, dobugovaný, zalagovaný prehliadač s priemernou odozvou (ping) 3.1556926×10^10 millisekúnd, čo je jeden rok. Je to aj vírus sám o sebe, je to veľmi nebezpečný červ lebo sa tvári ako prehliadač. Vyvinuli ho nahúlení programátori na LSD s pomocou Big Billa Brány. Jeho nebezpečnosť je známa vďaka neskutočnej pretvárke ako prehliadač, ale je to Mrkvosoftom zakomponovaní nebezpečný červ.
- Windows Internet Explorer (по-известен само като Internet Explorer) е уеб браузър на компанията Майкрософт, включен във всяка операционна система на Windows от 1995. След първото пускане на Windows 95, още няколко версии на браузъра били разработени за различните операционни системи: Internet Explorer за Mac и Internet Explorer за UNIX. В момента единствено версията за Windows се поддържа. Той е най-използваният уеб браузър от 1999, заемайки близо 90% от пазара със близо 900 милиона потребители от целия свят през 2006. Към днешна дата, най-новата версия е Internet Explorer 7.
- Ekde la praaj tempoj Internet Explorer, substreka afero por la homoj, estas eplorilo programo, kiu havas du eblojn: elŝuti Fajrovulpon aŭ Operaon. Mi en mia vivo legis diversajn librojn kaj artikolojn, en kiuj oni traktis la temon. Bedaŭrinde mi ne memoras la titolojn.
- Windows Internet Explorer (читается интернет эксплорер, ранее — Microsoft Internet Explorer или просто Internet Explorer, сокращённо MSIE или IE;) — серия браузеров, разрабатываемая корпорацией Microsoft с 1995 года. Входит в комплект операционных систем семейства Windows.
- Windows Internet Explorer (also known as Internet Explorer, and formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer) is a web browser that was first shipped with Windows 95's Plus! pack. The last version of Internet Explorer is Internet Explorer 11 (ships with Windows 8.1)
- Windows Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer) is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995.
- It is widely assumed that Andrew Schlafly uses Internet Explorer to make his "edits" on Conservapedia.
- Internet Explorer (IE) is Microsoft's browser, which has been known to win the first browser war over Netscape, by bundling it with Windows. Thereafter they started implementing non-standard features, such as ActiveX, to keep out competitors in the second browser war. IE is now down to about 60% in market share.
- Der Internet Explorer [ˈɪntɚnɛtɪkˌsplɔːɹɚ] wurde 1995 von Microsoft entwickelt und Anfang 2011 ist Version 9.0 erschienen. Entwickelt wurde er ursprünglich, um den Zugang zu kostenloser Pornographie zu erleichtern. Der Internet Explorer lässt sich nicht aus Windows entfernen, denn er ist ein fester Bestandteil der Windows Betriebssystems, so wie ein zweijahres Zeitschriftenabo grundsätzlich fester Bestandteil einer Unterschriftenaktion gegen Kinderschänder ist.
- Internet Explorer è sconsigliato a chiunque abbia un quoziente intellettivo maggiore di Maurizio Gasparri.
- 256px|right|thumb|Logo IE Windows Internet Explorer, dawniej Microsoft Internet Explorer (w skrócie IE lub MSIE) – przeglądarka stron WWW. Pierwsza wersja została wyprodukowana przez Microsoft w 1995 roku. Jest standardowo dołączany do systemu Windows, a dawniej także do Macintosh.
- Internet Explorer is a deadly creation, conjoured up by the madman Bill Gates. It looks innocent and friendly on the outside, but is really a insane murdering "E" that, in the night, jumps out of your computer and goes on massive rampages through your town. Luckily, there is hope for people, because we have Mozilla, an enormous dinosaur thing, who fights every night with this "Internet Explorer" to keep us safe. Mozilla usually wins every time. He also has a few companions, Firefox, some other one, another one, and this one I can't remember. We are lucky we have Mozilla to fight this monstrous E. Without Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Mac Computers would rule all humans, and we would be their slaves!
- Windows Internet Explorer (known before as Microsoft Internet Explorer) is a Internet browser by Microsoft. It has been part of the Microsoft Windows operating system since Windows 95 and could be installed on older Windows versions. Versions for non-Windows operating systems like Mac OS and Solaris were available, but have been discontinued.
- thumb|right|200px|Akcja przeciw przeglądarce Internet Explorer - popularna przeglądarka internetowa, a przez hakerów przerobiona na komunikator. Połączenia są jednostronnie szyfrowane - internauta nie widzi, co haker robi na jego komputerze. Program pełni także funkcję przeglądarki internetowej. Jako jedyna przeglądarka umożliwia tzw. przeglądanie zwrotne (użytkownik przegląda internet i odwrotnie). Obecnie ta przeglądarka jest źródłem żartów (słusznych) między innymi na kwejku.
- Internet Explorer er Microsoft's "default" "browser", og i god Microsoft-kultur, fungerer den ikke med mindre man tilbringer resten av livet på å laste ned oppdateringer, noe som er en av de stolteste tilbudene Microsoft har å tilby. Internet Explorer har flere egenskaper, blant annet å automatisk tiltrekke seg det siste innen virusprogrammering og spyware, for de som er interessert (og de som ikke vil. Microsoft vet best) og har en typisk "avslappet" rytme, som lar brukeren ta sin tid, og lene seg godt tilbake mens "browseren" "søker" opp hva enn man vil den skal finne.
- Internet Explorer (formerly Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Internet Explorer, and commonly abbreviated as IE or MSIE) is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft. It was first released as a part of the add-on package Plus! for Windows 95 in 1995. It has since been included in every Windows version. On March 17, 2015, Microsoft announced that Microsoft Edge will replace Internet Explorer as the default browser for Windows 10 device, effectively making IE11 its last release. It will remain on some versions of Windows 10, however, primarily for legacy purposes.
- Windows Internet Explorer (dříve Microsoft Internet Explorer zkratkou MSIE), běžně zkráceně IE, je řada grafických WWW prohlížečů vyvinuté společností Microsoft a jsou zahrnuty jako součást systému Microsoft Windows řady operačních systémů počínaje rokem 1995. Bylo nejčastěji používané webové prohlížeče od roku 1999, dosažení vrcholu ve výši přibližně 95% podíl na používání během let 2002 a 2003 s IE5 a IE6, ale vytrvale klesá, neboť i přes zavedení IE7. Microsoft strávil více než 100 miliony dolarů ročně v pozdních 1990s, s více než 1000 lidí pracuje na IE od 1999 .
- Internet Explorer (IE) is a graphical web browser owned by Windows. There are ten versions to date, the first being the original, released in 1995, and the newest is IE10, which was added to the Internet Explorer family in 2012, along with the release of Windows 8. An eleventh version is currently in development. Windows adds new features with each installment which is designed to make the system easier to operate.
- Ο Internet Explorer ή αλλιώς Idiot Exploiter, Internet Destroyer και Internet Exploder, είναι μια αποτυχημένη απόπειρα του Μπιλ για πλοήγηση στο ίντερνετς. Δημιουργήθηκε από την Micro$oft για τους χρήστες που έχουν παράθυρα εγκατεστημένα στον υπολογιστή τους ώστε να μπορούν να κατεβάζουν τον Chrome, Firefox και άλλους browser (μετ: μπρόουζερ, η, αλλίως γνωστό και ως "μηρυκαστικο") που δουλεύουν. Αυτοί που έχουν πιγκουΐνους, η, μήλα εγκατεστημένα στον υπολογιστή τους την έχουν γλιτώσει. Στην Ευρώπη θεωρείται μαλακία ολκής και μόνο τα αμερικανάκια φαίνεται να τον χρησιμοποιούν ακόμα. Κολλάει ιούς ακόμα και από φτάρνισμα και δουλεύει καλά έως άριστα μόνο όταν ο υπολογιστής είναι κλειστός ή όταν η τηλεόραση δείχνει τσόντες. Σύμφωνα με τον Νοστράδαμο τα λεξικά του 2086 θα χρησιμοποιούν την φράσ
- The latest release is Internet Explorer 8, which is available as a free update for Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later, Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 or later, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008, and is included with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Versions of Internet Explorer for other operating systems have also been produced, including Internet Explorer Mobile (Windows CE and Windows Mobile), Internet Explorer for Mac (discontinued), and Internet Explorer for UNIX (Solaris and HP-UX).
- Windows Internet Explorer (anteriormente Microsoft Internet Explorer, abreviado MSIE) generalmente abreviado IE es un navegador web producido por Microsoft para el sistema operativo Windows y más tarde para Sun Solaris y Apple Macintosh, estas dos últimas discontinuadas en el 2002 y 2006 respectivamente. Microsoft gastó más de 100 millones de dólares (USD) al año en el decenio de 1990, con más de 1000 personas que trabajan en IE en 1999.