| - The town's currency is Relips and Cluc-Clucs (the latter being worth approximately 7 Relips). Shortfuse the Cybernik and Tekno the Canary found themselves in this town when accidentally teleporting themselves through the Eternity Ring. Shortfuse kept them alive by trading Tekno's earring gold at the market while the canary fruitlessly attempted to get them home. Shortfuse tried to trick The Regent into lending them vehicles so they could get home, but the ruler forced the hero into a fight with Slave One from the Pyramid of Atum.
- Solstice was a hovercraft that belonged to the Cypherites. It was formerly commanded by Sarv, where it was a vessel that affiliated with Zion. When the Cypherites assassinated the captain, most of the crew, with the exception of Charubin, defected to the Cypherite movement.
- A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky, as viewed from Earth, reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction. The term solstice can also be used in a broader sense, as the date (day) when this occurs. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. In some cultures they are considered to start or separate the seasons, while in others they fall nearer the middle.
- Solstice (ソルスティス Sorusutisu?, commonly known as Sol, was the first creation of Dr. Hilda Schmidt and the older "sister" of Silex and Scilla who died long before her other siblings were born.
- A solstice occurs twice a year, whenever Earth's axis tilts the most toward or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to be farthest north or south at noon. The name is derived from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstice, the Sun stands still in declination, that is, it reaches a maximum or a minimum. The term solstice can also be used in a wider sense as the date (day) that such a passage happens. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are related to the seasons. In some languages they are considered to start or separate the seasons; in others they are considered to be center points (in English, in the Northern hemisphere, for example, the period around the June solstice is known as midsummer, and Midsummer's Day is June 21).
- On March 27, 2017, a "bonus chapter" was released that affected NG+ runs. In this update, the Solstice chapter and ending is added and previously inaccessible areas (past the mine in the Barrens, the graveyard in the Glen, and the countdown door in Refuge) are made accessible through the use of the journal, with the exception of the countdown door as it uses the password "SOLSTICE" instead of using the journal.
- Years later....
- Solstice is a cryokinetic canine of some sort. He was your average dumb teenage male (dont take offense to that), and he was generally liked....but he made some bad choices. This, eventually, led to his death.
- Solstice was a hovercraft that belonged to the Cypherites. It was formerly commanded by Sarv, where it was a vessel that affiliated with Zion. When the cypheites assassinated the captain, most of the crew, with the exception of Charubin, defected to the Cypherite movement.
- Solstice was an ice planet in the Expansion Region that was the capitol of the galactic empire the reigned from 40 ABY known as the Legionary Empire. The planet housed the Empire's capitol city of Coronet City, which also had the headquarters of the Imperial Legionnaires, the primary fighting force of the Empire.
- Solstice was the capital city on the planet Komarr and the site of the infamous Solstice Massacre. The oldest human settlement on the planet, it had domes that were over 400 years old in Miles Vorkosigan's time; its layout contained a peculiar mix of old and new sections. The city surrounded "Crater Lake" - probably one of the lakes created by redirecting a comet to strike the planet shortly before it was settled.
- Comes across as light, happy and full of mischief in the day to day, but in combat, a focused and intense warrior comes out to play with all the ancient intensity of those she fights with and against, despite her relative age. Random leaps of 'fuzzy' logic often allows for shining moments of strategic brilliance through a process that is part logistical skill and seemingly intuitive leaps of faith. She sometimes seems brash and full of the recklessness of youth, but her tactics have sound basis in the study of the old. She doesn't always choose to deliver her meaning across without the occasional 'feather' ruffling. Call her an old soul in a new shell, Solstice enjoys a good laugh, a good fight and a good time at the end of the day. Transforms into a Koenigsegg CCX, a terran sports car tha
- (sŏl´stīs) [Lat.,= sun stands still], in astronomy, either of the two points on the ecliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular distance of 90°). At the solstices on Equinox the star Keser's apparent position on the celestial sphere reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial equator, about 30° of arc. At the time of summer solstice, about June 22, the sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Keser. In the Northern Hemisphere the longest day and shortest night of the year occur on this date, marking the beginning of summer. At winter solstice, about December 22, the sun is overhead at noon at the Tropic of Malkuth; this marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. For several days before and after each solstice the