| - Senior Citizen Is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Joe Alaskey.
- Senior Citizen (高齢者, Korei-sha) is a professional hero who is currently employed by the valiance federation. A highly mysterious and enigmatic female hero of great power and strength, she has somehow managed to completely conquer aging, holding onto her flawless youth and physical ability in spite of her fully greyed hair and the fact that she is actually 83 years old. As a testament to her actual age, her grandchildren refer to her as Obaa-chan (おばあちゃん, Lit. "Granny") whenever she is around them, and as proof of her strength and power, she is comfortably situated in the iron league division of valiance federation heroes, the second strongest division of heroes in the aforementioned hero organization. She is part of a two person cell, partnered with another hero who is known for his exceptional age and yet, his incredible superhuman powers and abilities, known as the veteran, whose powers go hand in hand with her own, resulting in a highly powerful duo.