Black-Winged Dragon, known as Black-Feather Dragon in the Japanese version is a servant of the Crimson Dragon, commonly referred to as Si gner Dragons. Its present day Signer is Crow Hogan, who obtained its card after finding it in a compartment in the Blackbird Duel Runner. It was not present when the Crimson Dragon battled the Earthbound Immortals. Life Stream Dragon was present instead.Black-Winged Dragon was not present in the battle with the Earthbound Immortals because it was in the compartment in Robert Pearson's Blackbird Duel Runner.
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| - Black-Winged Dragon, known as Black-Feather Dragon in the Japanese version is a servant of the Crimson Dragon, commonly referred to as Si gner Dragons. Its present day Signer is Crow Hogan, who obtained its card after finding it in a compartment in the Blackbird Duel Runner. It was not present when the Crimson Dragon battled the Earthbound Immortals. Life Stream Dragon was present instead.Black-Winged Dragon was not present in the battle with the Earthbound Immortals because it was in the compartment in Robert Pearson's Blackbird Duel Runner.
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es lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Si fueras a recibir daño por el efecto de una carta, pon 1 Contador de Pluma Negra en esta carta en su lugar. Esta carta pierde 700 ATK por cada Contador de Pluma Negra que tenga. Una vez por turno: puedes retirar todos los Contador de Pluma Negra en esta carta, y después seleccionar 1 monstruo boca arriba que controle tu adversario; ese objetivo pierde 700 ATK por cada Contador de Pluma Negra retirado y, si lo hace, inflige daño a tu adversario igual al ATK perdido por este efecto.
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ja lore
| - チューナー+チューナーのモンスター1
- がカードのによってダメージをける、わりにこのカードにカウンターを1つく。このカードのは、このカードにっているカウンターの×700ポイントダウンする。また、1ターンに1、このカードにっているカウンターをてりくで、フィールドにでするモンスター1をし、 そのをりいたカウンターの×700ポイントダウンし、ダウンしたのダメージをライフにえる。
it lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Se stai per subire danno dall’effetto di una carta, metti invece 1 Segnalino Piuma Nera su questa carta. Questa carta perde 700 ATK per ogni Segnalino Piuma Nera su di essa. Una volta per turno: puoi rimuovere tutti i Segnalini Piuma Nera da questa questa carta, poi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro scoperto lato dal tuo avversario; quel bersaglio perde 700 ATK per ogni Segnalino Piuma Nera che hai rimosso e, se lo fa, infliggi al tuo avversario danno pari alla metà dell’ATK perso a causa di questo effetto.
pt name
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| - 1(xsd:integer)
- If you would take damage from a card effect, place 1 Black Feather Counter on this card instead. This card loses 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter on it. Once per turn: You can remove all Black Feather Counters on this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; that target loses 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter you removed, and if it does, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK lost by this effect.
pt lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Se você sofreria dano de um efeito de card, em vez disso, coloque 1 Marcador de Pena Negra neste card. Este card perde 700 de ATK para cada Marcador de Pena Negra nele. Uma vez por turno: você pode remover todos os Marcadores de Pena Negra neste card e, depois, escolher 1 monstro com a face para cima que seu oponente controla; o alvo perde 700 de ATK para cada Marcador de Pena Negra que você remover e, se isso acontecer, cause dano ao seu oponente igual ao ATK reduzido por este efeito.
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stat change
| - * This card loses ATK
* Your opponent's monsters lose ATK
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ko lore
| - 튜너 + 튜너 이외의 몬스터 1장 이상
- 자신이 카드의 효과에 의해서 데미지를 받을 경우, 대신에 이 카드에 검은 날개 카운터를 1개 놓는다. 이 카드의 공격력은 이 카드에 얹혀 있는 검은 날개 카운터의 수 x 700 포인트를 내린다. 1턴에 1번, 이 카드에 얹혀 있는 검은 날개 카운터를 전부 제거하는 것으로, 상대 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 몬스터 1장의 공격력을 검은 날개 카운터의 수 x 700 포인트 내리고, 내린 수치만큼의 데미지를 상대 라이프에 준다.
de lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Falls du Schaden von einem Karteneffekt erhalten würsdest, lege stattdessen 1 Schwarzfeder-Zählmarke auf diese Karte. Diese Karte verliert 700 ATK für jede Schwarzfeder-Zählmarke auf dieser Karte. Einmal pro Spielzug: Du kannst alle Schwarzfeder-Zählmarken von dieser Karte entfernen und dann 1 offenes Monster wählen, das dein Gegner kontrolliert; das gewählte Ziel verliert 700 ATK für jede entfernte Schwarzfeder-Zählmarke und falls es dies tut, füge deinem Gegner Schaden in Höhe der ATK zu, die das Monster durch diesen Effekt verloren hat.
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related to archseries
| - * Blackwing
* Duel Dragon
de name
| - Schwarz geflügelter Drache
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fr lore
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- Si vous allez recevoir des dommages par un effet de carte, placez 1 Compteur Plumes Noires sur cette carte à la place. Cette carte perd 700 ATK pour chaque Compteur Plumes Noires sur elle. Une fois par tour : vous pouvez retirer tous les Compteurs Plumes Noires sur cette carte, puis ciblez 1 monstre face recto contrôlé par votre adversaire ; la cible perd 700 ATK pour chaque Compteur Plumes Noires que vous avez retiré, et si elle le fait, infligez des dommages à votre adversaire égaux à l’ATK perdue par cet effet.
Life points
| - * Prevents effect damage
* Damages your opponent
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effect types
| - Continuous, Continuous, Ignition
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| - * 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Materials
* Does not require specific Synchro Materials
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| - * Cover Card
* Limited activations
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| - Black-Winged Dragon, known as Black-Feather Dragon in the Japanese version is a servant of the Crimson Dragon, commonly referred to as Si gner Dragons. Its present day Signer is Crow Hogan, who obtained its card after finding it in a compartment in the Blackbird Duel Runner. It was not present when the Crimson Dragon battled the Earthbound Immortals. Life Stream Dragon was present instead.Black-Winged Dragon was not present in the battle with the Earthbound Immortals because it was in the compartment in Robert Pearson's Blackbird Duel Runner.
is cover card
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