| - Joanne Murray (nata Rowling) (31 luglio 1965) è una scrittrice britannica famosa per aver scritto la serie Harry Potter.
- Kategori:Verkliga personer associerade med Harry Potter-böckerna J.K Rowling är en brittisk författare som har skrivit bland annat Harry Potter böckerna.
- Kategori:Verkliga personer associerade med Harry Potter-böckerna J.K Rowling är en brittisk författare som har skrivit bland annat Harry Potter böckerna.
- Joanne "Jo" Rowling veya bilinen adıyla J. K. Rowling (d. 31 Temmuz 1965, İngiltere), Harry Potter fantastik bilim kurgu serisinin yazarı olarak tanınmış İngiliz yazar. Kathleen, kendisine verilen bir ad olmamasına rağmen, büyük annesinin onuruna bu adı almıştır.
- She is partially at fault for the recent popularity of fanfiction. J.K. Rowling was "flattered people wanted to write their own stories" about Harry Potter. Since she is not yet dead, and therefore doesn't have a grave to spin in, she is unlikely to be providing much power to the DoDAEG.
- Joanne Rowling est l'auteur des livres Harry Potter.
- J. K. Rowling was an ordinary Earthwoman, best known for brainwashing the Earth's human children by using a series of mind control devices, cleverly disguised as seven novels about a boy wizard named Harry Potter. She plans on using this power over Earth's children to begin a new era of the planet, in which she shall be supreme ruler over the many child slaves. Miss Rowling also enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.
- Joanne Murray (bedre kjent som J.K Rowling) ble født den 31. Juli 1965 i Chipping Sodbury i South Gloucestershire i England. Som fireåring flyttet familien til Winterbourne i utkanten av Bristol. Det var visstnok i denne sammenhengen at hun fant navnet til sin senere bokserie: Harry Potter. Dette var fordi hun ble kjent med et søskenpar som hadde "Potter" som etternavn og at hun likte det navnet veldig godt. Hennes tilleggsnavn Kathleen fikk hun fra sin favoritt bestemor; Kathleen som døde nesten på samme tid som Joanne og familien hennes flyttet til den lille "landsbyen" Tutshill i Wales. Hun er gift med Neil Murray og sammen har de to barn: David og Mackenzie, Joanne har datteren Jessica fra før. Ja litt
- Joanne "Jo" Rowling (Yates, Raino Unío, 31 e julio e 1965) es l'utora e l'hestoria fantástica d'Harry Potter.
- Forfatteren til Harry Potter. Hun hedder Joanne Rowling i virkeligheden, men da den første Harry Potter bog udkom mente hendes forlag at tilføje et mellemnavn ville tiltrække de mandlige læsere. Hun tog derfor et K til sit navn fra sin afdøde mor, Kathleen
- She adopted the name "J.K. Rowling" because her publisher thought boys would be less likely to read a book written by someone with a "woman's name". Rowling does not have a middle name but It was felt that "J. Rowling" would not look right. For the middle initial of her pen name she used her grandmother's name, Kathleen. Profits from the Harry Potter series have made J.K. Rowling one of the richest women in the world, and she is noted for her generous gifts to charitable causes.
- J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series, and has recently received a Tip of the Hat from Stephen Colbert himself. She happens to be the second best selling author in the known universe, with the first author being God. Ms. Rowling's books differ from God's better known works in that hers apparently condone the existence of magic and gay wizards. File:Late-night-harry-potter.jpg
- As I tenuously grasp my brilliant diploma of excellence i look towards the crowd in jubilation. Upon closer inspection i take account of the fact that J.K. Rowling has thrown some creative influence at my computer somehow deleting all details of my entire exsistence. I am promptly robbed of my clothing and thrown into a ditch by those guys.
- Rowling was born Joanne Rowling to Tom and Anne Rowling on 31 July 1965 in Britain; she grew up as a young child in a suburban house, and then when she was a teenager, in an old house beside a graveyard, which may have been a factor in her style of writing. From a young age she loved to write, and would often "sit on my sister and make her listen to my stories". When she was a teenager, she had a friend called Sean who used to bring her out in his Ford Anglia; she used the same car model as Ron's father's car in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. {TO BE CONTINUED}
- "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people. ... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." ―SKing Joanne "J.K." Rowling (born July 31, 1965) is Stephenie Meyer's arch enemy for the following reasons:
- Just Kidding Rowling on the Floor Laughing Out Loud (or just J K ROFLing) is a plagiarising, wrinkly, old billionaire who created the Harry Potter books, which are popular with children, World of Warcraft players and adults who still wear nappies. Coming from a poor background, she has risen to become the most powerful woman ever, adored by millions of devoted fans, i.e drooling sycophants. If she is not in court suing someone for ironically making a stupid rip off of her books, she is dreaming up more ways to make money with more copied sequels.
- Joanne Rowling (Chipping Sodbury (bij Bristol), 31 juli 1965) is een Britse schrijfster. Joanne is bekend geworden door haar boeken over leerling-tovenaar Harry Potter. Deze boeken schrijft ze onder het pseudoniem J. K. Rowling, waarin de K staat voor de naam van haar grootmoeder Kathleen. In werkelijkheid heeft Rowling echter geen tweede naam.
* Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes (27 juli 1993)
* David Gordon Rowling Murray (24 maart 2003)
* Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray (23 januari 2005)