Beau is the horse of Chelsea Reese, the stable master at Westguard Keep in Howling Fjord.
Chercher "beau" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
Beau was a Human male Pilot who served in the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. His callsign was Red Ten.
Beau was a vampire who worked for Luther.
Beau is Dee Dee's ex-boyfriend. He has an interest for science which made Dexter very fascinated with him and hoped to make him his friend. This eventually resulted in the two siblings fighting over him.
Later Beau is seen drunk. It seems Mr. Frisby was hiding a moonshine still in his barn and Beau got drunk off the liquor.
Beau is a flamboyant, radical robot-like alien from the Planet Elkhiffa of the Libra System that can assume a human form. He is full of emotions, so he teaches Niall about it but without sucess and can control any technology easily!