| - I decided that I would stand upon my favorite rock, the rock of Ben Ten. I removed the garments, the jewelry, the rare pieces of armor, and my trusted Tachi, all of which I had gathered or earned from my many exploits. I decided to stand, a Sho, a Blademaster, without fear, and to watch the sun rise in the east once more over Yanshi, and to await the call of the gods.
:Ichi jin-rai
:Sho Blademaster
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- Travelers I had passed on the roadways mentioned that they had heard of shrines that suddenly materialized near many towns and villages. Apparently when one prayed before them, the prayer caused a mysterious, malevolent creature to appear and convert the once-blessed inhabitant into a person who not only could be killed but also could themselves kill other persons who had similarly offered prayer.
- I immediately ran back to my home village, the village of my birth, the village of Yanshi. On my run back to Yanshi I had time to think and recollect that it was in Yanshi that I had first become schooled in the Sho ways, and the ways of the Blademaster. It was in Yanshi and the surrounding swamps and fields that I had learned the use of my trusted Tachi, the use of my swift hand or kick, and the use of stealth. I learned to walk the fields and mountains before I ran them. I discovered many artifacts from a time long ago, and many treasures, all hidden from the runner.
- I, Ichi jin-rai, a Sho Blademaster, had heard rumors of pending disaster.
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By Eaglewerks
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