In Digimon Heroes, when the Chosen first encounter him, Aladdimon is helping his best friend Lampmon fight a group of corrupted Mummymon. These Mummymon were corrupted by a virus, but were normally Pharoahmon's agents. Aladdimon later fell in love with Pharoahmon's daughter Persiamon. Before meeting Lampmon, Aladdimon was considered nothing more than a petty thief, stealing mostly food. He became good friends with the Children of Chronomon, and needed their help on his personal quest for Digivolution. After Pharoahmon was destroyed at the hands of Kurata's Gizumon, Aladdimon became King of the Fractal Desert City, because Pharoahmon finally seemed to trust him.
Attributes | Values |
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| - In Digimon Heroes, when the Chosen first encounter him, Aladdimon is helping his best friend Lampmon fight a group of corrupted Mummymon. These Mummymon were corrupted by a virus, but were normally Pharoahmon's agents. Aladdimon later fell in love with Pharoahmon's daughter Persiamon. Before meeting Lampmon, Aladdimon was considered nothing more than a petty thief, stealing mostly food. He became good friends with the Children of Chronomon, and needed their help on his personal quest for Digivolution. After Pharoahmon was destroyed at the hands of Kurata's Gizumon, Aladdimon became King of the Fractal Desert City, because Pharoahmon finally seemed to trust him.
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jap name
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move one
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digivolves from
| - Pebblemon , Kyokyomon, Frimon
digivolves into
| - Bladramon , Greymon, ExVeemon, Musyamon,
Kekuremon, Dorugamon, Tyrannomon, Ninjamon, Golemon
move two
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| - Normally is Data, but can be any.
move three
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| - Dragon's Roar, Virus Busters
| - In Digimon Heroes, when the Chosen first encounter him, Aladdimon is helping his best friend Lampmon fight a group of corrupted Mummymon. These Mummymon were corrupted by a virus, but were normally Pharoahmon's agents. Aladdimon later fell in love with Pharoahmon's daughter Persiamon. Before meeting Lampmon, Aladdimon was considered nothing more than a petty thief, stealing mostly food. He became good friends with the Children of Chronomon, and needed their help on his personal quest for Digivolution. After Pharoahmon was destroyed at the hands of Kurata's Gizumon, Aladdimon became King of the Fractal Desert City, because Pharoahmon finally seemed to trust him. Aladdimon picked Lampmon to be his advisor, and later came with Hookmon to help the Chosen to infiltrate Yuoggimon's lair, telling Lampmon to rule over the kingdom in his absence.