| - Come on, guys. Zilyana is the last known uncorrupted Icyene. She is the last of a most pure and noble race whose dedication to Saradomin is unparalleled. Can't you guys respect that, and instead of desecrating her base, go after some crazy Zamorakians like K'ril Tsutsaroth? Or some crazy Bandosians like General Graardor? No one will care if Ourgs go extinct. But leave Kree'arra alone. Aviantese are in the same boat as the Icyene. --LiquidTalk 01:35, April 4, 2011 (UTC) So, a little sweet on tengu babes, eh? Well, she only dies for a little while. -- 07:27, April 4, 2011 (UTC) No one cares if you're a Saradomist. (:< If you want an Icyene, go talk to Safalaan. <3 ^-^ Oh and see you at the event! User:Urbancowgurl777/Signature 07:29, April 4, 2011 (UTC) File:Omg.gif Saradomin is probably already mad at me for ditching his godsword for a wimpy skillcape. If I go I'd be on Zilyana's side, though I doubt I'd do much either way. And no, I'm not going. No way am I helping in the slaying of an Icyene. And besides, I'll be in Cambridge that day and won't be around anyways. --LiquidTalk 02:00, April 5, 2011 (UTC) What? Nonsense! If Commander Zilyana wants to be a wimp about a few puny wikians poking her, then I'll bring along the entire Zamorak GWD and crush her myself! At least Kril took it like a man! Strength Through Chaos! (Also, Zamorak sends this message: "The event will start in T minus 6 days 6 hours 6 minutes." ) File:Zamorak symbol.png Wingcap 14:54, April 10, 2011 (UTC)