| - Taheen are a race of humanlike creatures with animal characteristics.
- Taheen only appear briefly or are alluded to until the final volume, where they are shown working alongside humans and Can-toi (a hybrid race of the two) at Algul Siento, a prison for psychics. The prison administration favors them as guards due to their keen eyesight; also, the Head of Security, Finli O'Tego, is a taheen with the head of a weasel. Outside the Crimson King's own lands, however, taheen's height and animal appearance makes them next to useless for subversion in a human society. Even Calla Bryn Sturgis citizen Ben Slightman the Elder, who has actually spoken with Finli O'Tego over the radio, is unsure of what a taheen is.
| - Taheen only appear briefly or are alluded to until the final volume, where they are shown working alongside humans and Can-toi (a hybrid race of the two) at Algul Siento, a prison for psychics. The prison administration favors them as guards due to their keen eyesight; also, the Head of Security, Finli O'Tego, is a taheen with the head of a weasel. Outside the Crimson King's own lands, however, taheen's height and animal appearance makes them next to useless for subversion in a human society. Even Calla Bryn Sturgis citizen Ben Slightman the Elder, who has actually spoken with Finli O'Tego over the radio, is unsure of what a taheen is. It is hinted that taheen have a culture of their own (a name-change ritual, notably) and that their religious beliefs are quite different (praying often confuses Finli O'Tego). It is also likely that they have a different brain structure to humans, as the telepathic prisoners at Algul Siento are unable to "read" their thoughts, or indeed pick up anything other than a sensation similar to radio static.
- Taheen are a race of humanlike creatures with animal characteristics.