| - River-n-White perhaps appears in more Video System games than any other Sonic Wings character, either as a playable character or in cameos. In the Sonic Wings series, the only game lacking River-n-White is Sonic Wings Assault; even then, he is mentioned by name in the Japanese instruction manual. In the Sonic Wings series, River-n-White is presented as a old man with shaggy white hair and beard. He almost always wears a hat; however, his outfits differ from game to game. In the first three games, River-n-White wears an aviator's cap with goggles, and either a pilot's outfit or a white coat with a bow tie. However, in the later games, River-n-White wears a brown suit and hat, which he also dons in the SukuSuku Inufuku games. In Rabio Lepus, Ojanko High School, and some cameos, River-n-White dresses as the king of Bunnyland in a white, full-body bunny suit with a crown. River-n-White was an ace pilot in World War II. Besides being a pilot and a king, River-n-White is also the commander of Project Blue, and he is often shown giving orders to the others. Most of the other pilots seem to respect him, although Kowful-- who is often River-n-White's battle partner, sometimes even in single-player mode-- teases him about his age. River-n-White is strict with his granddaughter Kotomi Kitashirakawa when she flies as a pilot. River-n-White appears under several different names throughout Video System's games. In Rabio Lepus and SukuSuku Inufuku, his name is Kitashirakawa (北白川) Taro. Throughout the Sonic Wings games, he is sometimes called River and sometimes White. According to the arcade and game manuals, however, his full name in every game is River-n-White. This English/Romanized name comes from a rearrangement of his Japanese family name, 北白川: 北 means "north" (N), 白 means "white," and 川 means "river."