| - Bug Plants are unique buffs able to be given to a player using the Witch Doctor's Plant Skill Bug, Plant Summoning Bug, and Plant Puppet Bug skills. The player must be in the same team as the caster, and must meet the level requirement indicated by the skill's description. Harvesting a flowering Bug Plant will yield the full quantity of bug tools as per the skill level and description, while harvesting a wilted Bug Plant will yield only half. You will only be able to receive one of the following bugs from harvesting a wilted Bug Plant: Red Wing Bug, Red Claw Bug, Blue Wing Bug, Blue Claw Bug.
| - Bug Plants are unique buffs able to be given to a player using the Witch Doctor's Plant Skill Bug, Plant Summoning Bug, and Plant Puppet Bug skills. The player must be in the same team as the caster, and must meet the level requirement indicated by the skill's description. The Bug Plant is only visible to players with one of the Plant Bug skills equipped, and there can only be one of any type on one person at a time. The Bug Plant appears as a tall, green stalk sprouting from the target's head. If the target gains the required amount of experience, the Bug Plant will flower after 5 minutes, otherwise, it will become wilted. Note that even if a Bug Plant flowers, it will wilt after a set period of time if it is not harvested. A wilted Bug Plant will eventually disintegrate. Both flowering and wilted Bug Plants can be harvested by using the corresponding Plant skill that created the Bug Plant on the player hosting the plant. Harvesting does not require nor consume any Poison or MP, nor does it put the skill on cooldown. However, a Debugging Knife, which is not listed, is required to harvest. A Bug Plant can be harvested by any player with the skill, not just the player who planted it. The player can identify when their Bug Plant is ready to be harvested when the associated skill comes off cooldown. Harvesting a flowering Bug Plant will yield the full quantity of bug tools as per the skill level and description, while harvesting a wilted Bug Plant will yield only half. You will only be able to receive one of the following bugs from harvesting a wilted Bug Plant: Red Wing Bug, Red Claw Bug, Blue Wing Bug, Blue Claw Bug.