Descendants of Darkness(闇の末裔Yami no Matsuei) is a fantasy manga series created by Yoko Matsushita. The story revolves around shinigami. These Guardians of Death work for Enma Daiō, the king of the dead, sorting out the expected and unexpected arrivals to the Underworld. The manga was serialized in Hakusensha's semi-monthly shōjo manga magazine, Hana to Yume from the 14th issue of 1996 until the author decided to put the story on hiatus in the 2nd issue of 2003. Even though the serialization stopped at the 2nd issue of Hana to Yume in 2003, the chapters that were not collected after volume 11 were not released. The published chapters have been collected in 11 volumes with the 11th volume published on December 14, 2001. There were three side-stories focusing on Tatsumi, Oriya and Ukyou respe
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| - Descendants of Darkness(闇の末裔Yami no Matsuei) is a fantasy manga series created by Yoko Matsushita. The story revolves around shinigami. These Guardians of Death work for Enma Daiō, the king of the dead, sorting out the expected and unexpected arrivals to the Underworld. The manga was serialized in Hakusensha's semi-monthly shōjo manga magazine, Hana to Yume from the 14th issue of 1996 until the author decided to put the story on hiatus in the 2nd issue of 2003. Even though the serialization stopped at the 2nd issue of Hana to Yume in 2003, the chapters that were not collected after volume 11 were not released. The published chapters have been collected in 11 volumes with the 11th volume published on December 14, 2001. There were three side-stories focusing on Tatsumi, Oriya and Ukyou respe
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| - 2000-12-18(xsd:date)
- --12-20
ja kanji
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| - Muraki, Hisoka, Tsuzuki, Tatsumi and Watari
| - 1996-06-20(xsd:date)
- 2000-10-02(xsd:date)
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ja romaji
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publisher other
| - Star Comics
- Carlsen Comics
- Waneko
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publisher en
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| - AXN Asia
- AZN Television, Syfy
| - Descendants of Darkness(闇の末裔Yami no Matsuei) is a fantasy manga series created by Yoko Matsushita. The story revolves around shinigami. These Guardians of Death work for Enma Daiō, the king of the dead, sorting out the expected and unexpected arrivals to the Underworld. The manga was serialized in Hakusensha's semi-monthly shōjo manga magazine, Hana to Yume from the 14th issue of 1996 until the author decided to put the story on hiatus in the 2nd issue of 2003. Even though the serialization stopped at the 2nd issue of Hana to Yume in 2003, the chapters that were not collected after volume 11 were not released. The published chapters have been collected in 11 volumes with the 11th volume published on December 14, 2001. There were three side-stories focusing on Tatsumi, Oriya and Ukyou respectively. Volume 12 of the series is scheduled to be released in January 19, 2010 with revisions that will differ from the chapters originally serialized in the magazine. The return of the serialization has yet to be confirmed. The English language version is published by Viz Media. The series has an anime adaptation broadcasted by WOWOW in Japan and distributed in North America by Central Park Media. SciFi Channel USA scheduled the program as part of Ani-Monday started on November 3, 2008 and ended on December 22, 2008.