| - In Qatar, Ironhide tears apart an army vehicle, screaming at the soldiers to run and hide before he kills them, as he is now a slave to the will of Scorponok! Earlier, at a local US air base, Ironhide discovers Captain Lennox has been reassigned. Captain Cartwright's team of Army Rangers will instead be assisting him in hunting for Scorponok. Ironhide is slightly perturbed by the change of plan, and when asked to "show us some credentials" merely transforms as a display of force. Cartwright admits that'll do. As they head out, Ironhide grills Cartwright on what he knows about the quarry and questions if they're ready for the Decepticon to fight. The soldiers reply in the affirmative, but nobody realizes the Decepticon is tracking them.
| - In Qatar, Ironhide tears apart an army vehicle, screaming at the soldiers to run and hide before he kills them, as he is now a slave to the will of Scorponok! Earlier, at a local US air base, Ironhide discovers Captain Lennox has been reassigned. Captain Cartwright's team of Army Rangers will instead be assisting him in hunting for Scorponok. Ironhide is slightly perturbed by the change of plan, and when asked to "show us some credentials" merely transforms as a display of force. Cartwright admits that'll do. As they head out, Ironhide grills Cartwright on what he knows about the quarry and questions if they're ready for the Decepticon to fight. The soldiers reply in the affirmative, but nobody realizes the Decepticon is tracking them. Picking up multiple weak contacts, Ironhide transforms to get a better view. Cartwright barely has time to realize these are "ghost" contacts to confuse them before Scorponok emerges. Ironhide is hit before he can respond, and the Decepticon drills into his head and takes over his motor functions. As the Decepticon forces him to attack and he screams at the Rangers to run, Cartwright orders a barrage of shoot-to-disable sabot rounds. But in contrast to previous results with Decepticons, the rounds have no effect... The Autobot grabs one tank and uses it to smash another, injuring two of the Rangers. Cartwright swiftly regroups his team and orders Weapons Sergeant Darius Gale to sever Scorponok's connection with Ironhide. The other Rangers distract the enemy, who forces Ironhide to fire on them, allowing Gale to reach an XM8 Carbine with armour-piercing rounds and draw a bead on Scorponok. He severs the Decepticon's connection, allowing an enraged Ironhide to grab Scorponok and viciously kill him. Watching the fiery wreckage, the Rangers "figure we can tell Lennox...job done!".