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- "The snake venom paralyzes you!" Slashes at you with his claws, then the snake, then the blade for 3 hits of melee Evil damage, inflicting "Paralyzed" effect and stuns for 2 turns
- Raises a shield of shadow, with the message "Is that really your best?" Healing himself for % and raising Block, Parry, and Dodge by 180 for 2 turns
- Slashes at you once, then launches a blast of shadow for 2 hits of melee Evil damage. "The shadows seem to grow larger." Slashes at you once, then launches a blast of shadow for 2 hits of melee Evil damage. Increases damage done by this attack by an unknown amount each time.
- "'AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHA! HA!'" The lion head spews countless evil spirits, hitting for 6 hits of Evil damage