| - In Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, Scott and Wallace's Apartment's lease runs out, and Scott, considering his options, asks Ramona if he can move in with her, and she reluctantly agrees. Near the end of the volume, fourth Evil Ex, Roxie Richter, clashes with Mr. Chau, destroying part of the balcony in the process, after this, Scott mans up and tell Ramona how he feels, causing him to level up, and earn the Power of Love, Scott then has one final showdown with Roxie on Ramona's backgarden, of which he is the victor.
| - In Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, Scott and Wallace's Apartment's lease runs out, and Scott, considering his options, asks Ramona if he can move in with her, and she reluctantly agrees. Near the end of the volume, fourth Evil Ex, Roxie Richter, clashes with Mr. Chau, destroying part of the balcony in the process, after this, Scott mans up and tell Ramona how he feels, causing him to level up, and earn the Power of Love, Scott then has one final showdown with Roxie on Ramona's backgarden, of which he is the victor. Near the end of Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, Ramona mysteriously disappears, and whilst trying to find her, Scott locks himself out of his and Ramona's apartment leaving him homeless, after this, the apartment is never seen again.